Driving Digital Transformation: Lessons from Seven Developing Countries 1st edition by Benno Ndulu, Elizabeth Stuart, Stefan Dercon, Peter Knaack – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192872869, 9780192872869
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192872869
ISBN-13 : 9780192872869
Author : Benno Ndulu, Elizabeth Stuart, Stefan Dercon, Peter Knaack
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. In one country, the prime minister pushes for the liberalization of digital finance as a central pillar of the country’s national strategy, while the central bank almost makes it a criminal offence. In another, the digital minister tries to scupper the very process to support digital transformation that the president has asked them to co-lead. This book gives a ringside seat on seven developing countries’ tumultuous early steps on the path to a reform of the economy and the government using technology. Written by a group of academics and practitioners from Oxford at the heart of the process, but foregrounding the voices of the policymakers and participants, this book documents and critically assesses efforts to assist a set of governments to kick-start digital transformation. In doing so, it offers lessons for policymakers in other countries who want to pursue similar efforts. Beyond that, however, it is also an exposition of the process of policymaking more generally in the 2020s, and offers broader insight into how outsiders can play a sensible role in other reform processes in developing and emerging countries.
Driving Digital Transformation: Lessons from Seven Developing Countries 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction to the Digital Economy Kit
Our key messages
What do we mean by digital transformation?
Lessons for policymakers
Lessons for outsiders
How the book should be read
The audience
The context: brief history of the Pathways for Prosperity Commission
Chapter outline
2. Seizing the opportunity for digital reform
The political economy of reform
The public sector and bureaucratic politics
Special interest groups
Digital transformation as trade liberalization
A historical institutionalist perspective on digital transformation
Political settlements—elite bargain
A political economy-savvy theory of change
Insights from the political economy of reform
Seizing the opportunity: preconditions for success
Country demand
Demand in South Africa
Demand in Ethiopia
Demand in Bangladesh
Demand in other countries?
The right government champion
Mongolia: getting the attention of the prime minister and cabinet secretary
Lesotho: the senior economic advisor to the President
Countries where the right champion was not identified
Bangladesh: the former cabinet secretary, and a smart senior bureaucrat
Ethiopia: the built-in champion
The right time
Early in an administration
The government planning cycle
Key lessons on when to engage in digital reform
3. Objectives: What is the Digital Economy Kit trying to do?
What we set out to do with the Digital Economy Kit
Digital transformation: the potential
Digital transformation: the vision
Downside risks of digital technology
Digital transformation and inclusion
Digital transformation: the entry point
From hypothesis to action
Designing a strategic framework
The three partnership picks
Country choice
Local partner
Steering committee
How the Kit differs from other diagnostics
Insiders and outsiders
Country ownership
The role of outsiders
The Oxford team
The donors
Key lessons on the Kit’s objectives
4. Assessment: Data and diagnostics
Diagnosing digital readiness
Infrastructure—hard and soft
Policy and regulation
From questions to diagnosis
Assessing the four pillars: questions to ask
The fifth pillar: integrating the vision
The diagnostic process in practice
Challenge one: dealing with poor-quality data
Challenge two: the limits to quantitative data
Challenge three: data discrepancies and contestation
Key lessons on assessments
5. Multi-stakeholder dialogue
Why hold stakeholder dialogues?
What the Kit’s dialogue set out to do
Objectives of the dialogues
Framing: thinking big
The invitation list
Getting the right government representation
How the dialogues worked in practice
Challenge one: getting the politics of the room right
Selecting the right policymakers
Strange bedfellows: the private sector and civil society representatives
Representation and marginalized stakeholders
Challenge two: making talks substantive
Just another talk shop?
Challenge three: turning talk into action
Value of the dialogue process: did it deliver?
Key lessons on multi-stakeholder dialogues
6. Strategy primer
Keeping it local: strategy primer design
Look and feel
The strategy primer in practice
Challenge one: boiling it down
Challenge two: how much pre-baking is right?
Challenge three: putting names to actions
Budget constraints
Bureaucratic inertia
From strategy to action
Bridging process
The importance of communications
Key lessons on strategy primers
7. A critical view on implementation
Some early indications of cut-through
Attribution versus contribution
Implementation as designed in the toolkit
Implementation in practice
Bureaucratic politics: ‘death by silo’
The unnamed country: battles for turf
Ethiopia: the refresher strategy
Special interest groups: a force for good as well as bad
South Africa: the digital competitive advantage
Bangladesh: the need for a private sector leadership
Elite bargain and rent-seeking
Malawi: a country too far?
Mongolia: the digital economy as an anti-corruption mechanism
Unintended consequences
Key lessons on implementation
8. Conclusion
What have we learnt on digital transformation?
Three overarching lessons
Lesson one: meet the preconditions for successful implementation
Lesson two: gain value from the process itself
Lesson three: the importance of internal coalitions
Five lessons for working on reform sensibly as an outsider
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Driving Digital,Transformation,Lessons,Seven Developing,Countries,Benno Ndulu,Elizabeth Stuart,Stefan Dercon,Peter Knaack