Ecodramaturgies Theatre Performance and Climate Change 1st edition by Lisa Woynarski – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 783030558536, 3030558533
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:3030558533
• ISBN 13:783030558536
• Author:Lisa Woynarski
Theatre, Performance and Climate Change
This book addresses theatre’s contribution to the way we think about ecology, our relationship to the environment, and what it means to be human in the context of climate change. It offers a detailed study of the ways in which contemporary performance has critiqued and re-imagined everyday ecological relationships, in more just and equitable ways. The broad spectrum of ecologically-oriented theatre and performance included here, largely from the UK, US, Canada, Europe, and Mexico, have problematised, reframed, and upended the pervasive and reductive images of climate change that tend to dominate the ecological imagination. Taking an inclusive approach this book foregrounds marginalised perspectives and the multiple social and political forces that shape climate change and related ecological crises, framing understandings of the earth as home. Recent works by Fevered Sleep, Rimini Protokoll, Violeta Luna, Deke Weaver, Metis Arts, Lucy + Jorge Orta, as well as Indigenous activist movements such as NoDAPL and Idle No More, are described in detail.
Ecodramaturgies Theatre Performance and Climate Change 1st Table of contents:
Front Matter
1. Introduction
2. Intersectional Ecologies
3. More-than-Human Matters: Bioperformativity
4. Bodily Ecologies: Exposure, Participation and Immersion
5. Earth As Home: Local, Imagined, Material, Global
6. Decolonised Ecologies: Performance Against the Anthropocene
7. Conclusion: Imagining the Future(s)
Back Matter
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Ecodramaturgies,Performance and Climate,Lisa Woynarski