Ecuador Vs. Peru: Peacemaking Amid Rivalry – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9781588260758,1588260755
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1588260755
- ISBN-13 : 978-1588260758
- Author(s):
In the context of the enduring rivalry between the two countries, the authors analyze the mediation process that followed the 1995 Cenapa War between Ecuador and Peru, the first military conflict in South America in some five decades. They consider the place of the rivalry in the construction of each country’s national identity, and explore the reasons that the 1995-98 mediation process succeeded. Herz is lecturer and coordinator of the Graduate Program at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro’s Institute of International Relations (IRI).
Table contents:
Map of the Ecuador-Peru Demilitarized Zone
1 Introduction
2 Conflict and Mediation in Historical Perspective
3 TheCenepaWar
4 The Mediation Process
5 Conclusion
About This Publication
The International Peace Academy
International Peace Academy Publications
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