Effects of Sand Compaction on Liquefaction During the Tokachioki Earthquake 1st edition by Yorihiko Ohsaki – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery
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Author: Yorihiko Ohsaki
Shallow foundations may experience a reduction in bearing capacity and increase in settlement and tilt due to seismic loading. The reduction in bearing capacity depends on the nature and type of soil and ground acceleration parameters in non-liquefiable soils. In liquefying soils, the buildings on shallow footings may settle and tilt excessively. The soil- pile behavior under earthquake loading is generally non-linear, which is accounted for by defining soil- pile stiffness in terms of strain dependent soil modulus. Several behavioral and design aspects of shallow foundations and piles subjected to earthquakes have been critically reviewed, both in non-liquefiable and liquefiable soils.
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Effects,Sand Compaction,Liquefaction,Tokachioki Earthquake,Yorihiko Ohsaki,