Electoral Rules And Democracy In Latin America – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780190879761,0190879769
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0190879769
- ISBN-13 : 978-0190879761
- Author: Cynthia McClintock
During Latin America’s third democratic wave, a majority of countries adopted a runoff rule for the election of the president, effectively dampening plurality voting, opening the political arena to new parties, and assuring the public that the president will never have anything less than majority support. In a region in which undemocratic political parties were common and have often been dominated by caudillos, cautious naysayers have voiced concerns about the runoff process, arguing that a proliferation of new political parties vying for power is a sign of inferior democracy.
Table contents:
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Research Design and Quantitative Analysis
Chapter Three: Why Was Runoff Superior? Theory and Cross-National Evidence
Chapter Four: Plurality: Problems in Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Venezuela (and the Panama Exception)
Chapter Five: Runoff: Success in Brazil, Chile, The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Uruguay
Chapter Six: Runoff Amid a Plethora of Political Parties: Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Peru
Chapter Seven: Runoff: Is a Reduced Threshold Better? Argentina and Costa Rica
Chapter Eight: Conclusion and the Future of Presidential-Election Rules
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