Emerging Carbon Materials for Catalysis 1st edition by Samahe Sadjadi – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128176040 9780128176047
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ISBN-10 : 0128176040
ISBN-13 : 9780128176047
Author : Samahe Sadjadi
Emerging Carbon Materials for Catalysis covers various carbon-based materials with a focus on their utility for catalysis. Each chapter examines the photo and electrocatalytic applications of a material, including hybrid systems composed of carbon materials. The range of chemical reactions that can be catalyzed with each material—as well as the potential drawbacks of each—are discussed. Covering nanostructured systems, as well as other microstructured materials, the book reviews emerging carbon-based structures, including carbon organic frameworks. Written by a global team of experts, this volume is ideal for graduate students and researchers working in organic chemistry, catalysis, nanochemistry, and nanomaterials.
Emerging Carbon Materials for Catalysis 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1: New aspects of covalent triazine frameworks in heterogeneous catalysis
1. Introduction
2. CTF incorporated with pyridinic ligands
2.1. Pyridinic-CTF derived from 2,6-dicyanopyridine building block
2.2. Pyridinic-CTFs derived from 5,5-dicyano-2,2-bipyrdine building block
3. CTF incorporated with N-heterocyclic imidazolium (carbene) ligands
3.1. NHC-CTF constructed with mono-imidazolium (carbene) ligand
3.2. NHC-CTF constructed with bis-imidazolium ligand
4. CTF incorporated with acetyl acetone ligand
5. Conclusions
Chapter 2: Heteroatom-doped carbon materials derived from ionic liquids for catalytic applications
1. Introduction
2. Ionic liquids as carbon precursors
2.1. Reaction mechanism of carbonization
2.2. Effecting parameters on the properties of IL-derived carbon
2.3. Examples of catalysts based on cyano/nitrile containing ILs-derived carbon
3. Carbonization of confined ionic liquids
4. Poly ionic liquids carbonization
4.1. Nitrogen-doped carbon materials with definite morphology derived from PILs and their utilities
4.2. Examples of the utility of PILs-derived carbon for the catalysis
5. Protic ILs and salts for synthesis of (porous) doped carbons
5.1. Carbons derived from protic ILs and salts as catalysts
6. Coating other materials with ILs-derived carbons
7. Porous IL-derived carbon
7.1. Template-free approach
7.2. Use of porous templates
7.3. Salt templates
7.4. Porous ILs-derived carbon for catalysis derived from nanocasting
8. Conclusion
Chapter 3: Metal-organic framework-derived porous carbon templates for catalysis
1. Introduction
2. Fabrication strategies for MOF-derived porous carbons
2.1. MOF-derived metal-free porous carbons (including pure carbon and carbon with heteroatom doping,
2.2. MOF-derived carbon-supported single-atom catalysts
2.3. MOF-derived metal/carbons
2.4. MOF-derived metal compounds/carbons
3. MOF-derived porous materials for heterogeneous catalysis
3.1. Oxidation reaction
3.2. Reduction reaction
3.3. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
4. MOF-derived porous materials for photocatalysis
4.1. Photocatalytic H2 production
4.2. Photocatalytic CO2 conversion
4.3. Degradation of organic contaminants
5. MOF-derived porous carbons for electrocatalysis
5.1. Oxygen reduction reaction
5.2. Hydrogen evolution reaction
5.3. Oxygen evolution reaction
5.4. Bifunctional electrocatalysis
5.5. Alcohol oxidation and CO2 reduction
6. Conclusions and prospects
Chapter 4: The utility of carbon dots for photocatalysis
1. Introduction
1.1. Definition
1.2. Synthesis of CDs
1.2.1. Green synthesis of CDs
1.2.2. Large-scale synthesis of carbon dots
1.3. Optical properties of CD
1.3.1. Light absorption
1.3.2. Photoluminescence
1.3.3. Upconverted PL
1.3.4. Quantum yield
1.4. Surface modification
1.5. Surface passivation
1.6. Doping
1.6.1. Nitrogen doping
1.6.2. Sulfur doping
1.6.3. Phosphorus doping
1.6.4. Boron doping
1.6.5. Halogen doping
1.6.6. Co-doping
2. Utility of CDs for photocatalysis
2.1. Electron mediator
2.2. Photosensitizer
2.3. Spectral converter
2.4. Reducing agent for metal salt
2.5. Enhancing adsorption capacity
2.6. Sole photocatalyst
2.7. CDs/semiconductor composite photocatalysts
2.7.1. CDs-Wide-band gap semiconductor photocatalysts
2.7.2. CDs-Narrow-band gap semiconductor photocatalysts
2.7.3. CDs-modified heterojunction photocatalysts
3. Conclusion
Chapter 5: Catalytic carbon materials from biomass
1. Introduction
2. Carbon materials from biomass
2.1. Activated carbon
2.2. Biochar
2.3. Hydrochar
2.4. Other carbon materials
3. Characterization of catalytic carbon material from biomass
3.1. Additional considerations for the characterization of biomass-derived carbons
3.2. Surface area and porosity
3.3. Elemental analysis
3.4. Thermal methods
3.5. Vibrational spectroscopy
3.5.1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
3.5.2. Raman spectroscopy
3.5.3. Other vibrational spectroscopies
3.6. NMR
3.7. XRD
3.8. Electron spectroscopy
4. Applications of carbonaceous catalysts from biomass
4.1. Carbon in catalysis
4.2. Applications of biochar in catalysis
4.3. Applications of hydrochar in catalysis
4.4. Electrocatalytic applications
5. Future outlook
Further readings
Chapter 6: Electrospun carbon (nano) fibers for catalysis
1. Introduction
2. Basic set-up and principle for needle-based electrospinning
3. Theoretical background
4. Controlling parameters on electrospinning
4.1. Solution parameters
4.2. Process parameters
4.3. Ambient parameters
5. Materials classes
5.1. Polymeric fibers (synthetic and natural polymers)
5.2. Carbon (nano)fibers
6. Application of electrospun carbon nanofibers for catalysis
6.1. Photocatalysis
6.2. Coupling reaction
6.3. Reduction
6.4. Oxidation reaction
6.5. Hydrogen production
7. Conclusion
Chapter 7: Pristine, transition metal and heteroatom-doped carbon aerogels for catalytic and electro
1. Introduction
2. Types of nanostructured carbons
3. Preparation of carbon aerogels
4. Heteroatom-doped carbon aerogels for electrocatalytic applications
5. Metal-doped carbon aerogels
6. Metal-decorated carbon aerogels for chemical and electrochemical catalysis
7. Conclusions
Chapter 8: Carbon materials functionalized with sulfonic groups as acid catalysts
1. Introduction
2. Types of carbon materials functionalized with sulfonic groups
2.1. Highly graphitic carbon materials
2.2. Poorly graphitized carbon materials
3. Modification of carbons
3.1. Porosity of carbons
3.1.1. Mesoporous carbons by pyrolysis of mesoporous precursors
3.1.2. .Mesoporous carbons prepared using hard or soft templates
3.1.3. Microporous and micro-mesoporous template carbons
3.2. Surface chemistry
3.3. Hybrid and nanocomposite materials
3.4. Three-dimensional structuration
4. Methods to introduce sulfonic groups and their characterization
4.1. Introduction of sulfonic groups
4.1.1. Sulfonation with sulfuric acid
4.1.2. One-pot carbonization and sulfonation
4.1.3. Reaction with chlorosulfonic acid
4.1.4. Grafting of arylsulfonic groups
4.1.5. Preparation of carbon materials from sulfonated precursors
4.2. Characterization of sulfonic carbon materials
4.2.1. Sulfur content, distribution, and oxidation state
4.2.2. Nature and stability of the sulfur functional groups
4.2.3. Acidity
5. Acid-catalyzed reactions
5.1. Esterification
5.2. Acetalization
5.3. Hydrolysis
5.4. Dehydration
5.5. Other reactions
5.5.1. Etherification
5.5.2. Dimerization
5.5.3. Friedel-Crafts
6. Deactivation mechanisms
6.1. Leaching of active sites
6.2. Chemical reaction of the active sites
7. Concluding remarks
Chapter 9: Functional porous carbons: Synthetic strategies and catalytic application in fine chemica
1. Introduction
1.1. Carbon materials as catalyst supports and catalysts
2. Synthetic strategies for the preparation of porous carbons
2.1. Activation methods
2.2. Biomass-derived porous carbon materials
2.3. Pure carbon gels: Xerogels, cryogels, and aerogels
2.4. Template methods and ordered porous carbon materials
2.4.1. Hard template
2.4.2. Soft template
2.5. Emerging porous carbons
2.5.1. Porous carbon from COFs
2.5.2. Porous carbon from MOFs
2.6. Functionalization of porous carbons
2.6.1. Oxygen-containing functional groups
2.6.2. Nitrogen-containing functional groups
2.6.3. Sulfur-containing functional groups
2.6.4. Supported catalysts
2.6.5. Thermal treatment
3. Use of porous carbons in the synthesis of fine chemicals
3.1. Activated carbon materials
3.1.1. Acid-catalyzed reactions
3.1.2. Alkaline-catalyzed reactions
3.1.3. Catalyzed reductions
3.1.4. Catalyzed oxidations
3.1.5. Other catalyzed reactions
3.2. Advanced porous carbon catalysts
3.2.1. Carbon nanotubes
3.2.2. Graphene
3.2.3. Carbon material from emerging precursors Carbon material from MOFs
Oxidation reactions
Hydrogenation reactions
Other interesting reactions Carbon material from COFs
4. Concluding remarks
Chapter 10: Emerging carbon nanostructures in electrochemical processes
1. Carbon nanostructures in electrochemistry
2. One-dimensional carbon nanostructures
2.1. Carbon nanofibers
2.2. Carbon nanotubes
3. Two-dimensional carbon nanostructures
4. Three-dimensional carbon nanostructures
4.1. Carbon gels
4.2. Ordered mesoporous carbons
5. Conclusions
Chapter 11: Graphene materials for the electrocatalysts used for fuel cells and electrolyzers
1. Graphene-based electrocatalysts for fuel cells
1.1. Low-temperature fuel cells
1.2. Graphene materials for the oxygen reduction reaction
1.2.1. Nitrogen-doped graphene catalysts (NG)
1.2.2. Sulfur-doped graphene catalysts (SG)
1.2.3. Nitrogen and sulfur dual-doping graphene catalysts (NSG)
1.2.4. Graphene composite catalysts (GC)
1.3. Graphene materials for the hydrogen oxidation reaction
2. Graphene-based electrocatalysts for electrolyzers
2.1. Electrolysis
2.2. Graphene materials for the hydrogen evolution reaction
2.3. Graphene materials for oxygen evolution reaction
3. Conclusions
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