Emotion Measurement 2nd Edition by Herbert L. Meiselman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0081005091, 9780081005088, 9780081005095
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ISBN-10 : 0081005091
ISBN-13 : 9780081005088 9780081005095
Author: Herbert L. Meiselman
Emotion Measurement reviews academic and applied studies in order to highlight key elements of emotions which should be considered in the development and validation of newer commercial methods of emotion measurement. The goal of the book is practical, but the approach will be both academic and applied. It is aimed primarily at sensory scientists and the product developers they work alongside who require knowledge of measuring emotion to ensure high levels of consumer acceptability of their products.
Emotion Measurement 2nd Table of contents:
Part I: Basic Studies of Emotion
1. Theoretical Approaches to Emotion and Its Measurement
1 Introduction
2 What is an emotion?
3 Conclusion
2. Navigating the Science of Emotion
1 Preliminary observations
2 To essentialize or not to essentialize? That is the question
3 The classical view of emotion
4 The construction approach to emotion
5 A cautionary note: Beware of lurking essentialism
6 Conclusions
Appendix A
3. The Role of the Senses in Emotion
1 From senses to emotions
2 Modulation during human development
3 Multisensory integration
4 Conclusions and perspectives: from senses to emotions and from emotions to senses
4. The Psychophysiology of Emotions
1 Introduction
2 Re-representation of neural function and the psychophysiology of emotion
3 Re-representation of function: the psychophysiology of emotion
4 Electrodermal skin response
5 Neuroendocrine factors
6 Psychophysiological relations in emotion research
7 Conclusions
Part II: Methods for Studying Emotions
5. Behavioral Measures of Emotion
1 Behaving emotionally
2 Hulk… Emotional! The different dimensions of emotions
3 The historical role of behavior to identify emotions
4 The role of behavior in emotions
5 Behave yourself! Measuring emotions based on behavior
6 Products and behavioral characteristics of emotions
7 Conclusions
6. Measuring Emotions in the Face
1 Basic facial anatomy
2 Direct measurement of facial behaviors and facial expressions of emotion
3 Indirect methods of measuring facial behaviors
4 An example: measurement of facial expressions of emotion in consumer research using FACS-based systems
5 Conclusion
7. Lists of Emotional Stimuli
1 Comparing different types of emotional stimuli
2 Emotional words
3 Emotional images
4 Emotional faces
5 Emotional film clips
6 Future avenues
7 Conclusion
8. Measurement of Consumer Product Emotions Using Questionnaires
1 Introduction
2 Emotion lexicons and questionnaires used in product evaluation
3 The effect of different response formats
4 Effect of stimulus formats
5 Conclusions
9. Sentiment Analysis: Detecting Valence, Emotions, and Other Affectual States from Text
1 Introduction
2 Challenges in sentiment analysis
3 Sentiment analysis tasks
4 Detecting subjectivity, valence, and emotions in sentences and tweets
5 Capturing term–sentiment associations
6 Modeling the impact of sentiment modifiers
7 Sentiment in figurative and metaphoric language
8 Multilingual sentiment analysis
9 Summary and future directions
10. Conceptual Profiling
1 Background
2 Conceptual profiling methodology
3 Conceptual profiling—examples and case studies
4 Overview
11. Short-term Time Structure of Food-related Emotions: Measuring Dynamics of Responses
1 Introduction
2 Measuring temporal dynamics of emotions
3 Implications and future recommendations
12. Measurement of Affective Responses to Exercise: From “Affectless Arousal” to “The Most Well-Characterized” Relationship Between the Body and Affect
1 History from the perspective of psychology
2 History from the perspective of exercise science
3 The dependence of the research process on measurement
4 The importance of knowing your measure
5 Three-step approach to measurement
6 Step 1: Decide whether you wish to study core affect, emotion, or mood
7 Step 2: Choose the most appropriate theoretical framework for the chosen construct
8 Step 3: Select the psychometrically strongest measure based on the chosen theoretical framework
9 A research exemplar: The three-step approach to measurement in action
10 Conclusion and synopsis of current evidence
13. Methodological Issues in Consumer Product Emotion Research Using Questionnaires
1 Introduction
2 The effect of word list length (number of emotions) and order of presentation
3 The effect of instructional set and frames of reference (contexts)
4 Respondent-based effects
5 Effect of other experimental design elements
6 Consumer perceptions of product emotion research
7 Conclusions
Part III: Studying Emotions in Practice
14. Emotions in Clinical Practice
1 Introduction
2 Clinical tools for the assessment of emotion
3 Common assessment procedures in clinical practice
4 Conclusions and perspectives
15. Emotions Studied in Context: The Role of the Eating Environment
1 Introduction, rationale, and overview of the chapter
2 Contextual factors: the environment
3 Measuring emotions in the environment
4 Case studies
5 Summary and conclusions
16. Emotion-Driven Product Design
1 Introduction
2 Shades of pleasure
3 Delights of distress
4 Landscape of emotions
5 Gateways to value
6 Desires and dilemmas
7 Context for emotion
8 Conclusion
17. Emotions of Odors and Personal and Home Care Products
1 Relations between olfaction and emotional processing and importance of associative learning during life experiences
2 What is measured? Emotion or feelings?
3 Development of a methodology for measuring feelings in response to odors through verbal reports: a cross-cultural approach
4 Different strategies for measuring odor-related feelings in sensory settings
5 Different approaches for measuring expectations and contextual modulations of fragrance-elicited emotions
6 Final recommendations for measuring feelings elicited by odors
7 Conclusion
18. Emotions Elicited by Foods
1 Introduction
2 Measuring emotions across the food experience
3 Commercial applications of emotion testing
4 Caveats of measuring emotions elicited by foods and food experience
5 Summary
19. Emotion in Beverages
1 Introduction
2 Why study emotions related to beverages
3 Cultural differences
4 Context
5 Product differences and choice of method
6 Practical considerations in measurement
7 Conclusions
20. The Emotion of Happiness
1 Introduction
2 Happiness defined
3 Existing happiness measures
4 State-based or momentary affect scales
5 Facial Action Coding System
6 Global measures
7 Brief scale critiques
8 Combining state and trait assessments
9 Conclusions and future directions
21. Measurement of Disgust Proneness
1 Measures of individual differences in disgust responding
2 Behavioral assessment of disgust
3 Measurement of individual differences of disgust: A critique
4 Conclusions
22. Studying Emotions in the Elderly
1 General introduction
2 Who are “the elderly”?
3 Emotional ageing
4 Emotion measurement in the elderly
5 Conclusions
Part IV: Cross-Cultural Studies of Emotions
23. Translatability of Emotions
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical approaches
3 Universality versus variation in emotion vocabularies: an overview
4 Translatability of individual emotion words
5 Methods to assess semantic (dis)similarity of translation equivalents
6 Conclusion
24. Different Ways of Measuring Emotions Cross-Culturally
1 Defining and studying emotions
2 Defining culture
3 Cultural equivalence
4 Measures of emotions in cultural psychology
5 Culture and emotions: the new frontier
25. Measuring and Understanding Emotions in East Asia
1 Theoretical framework and a selective review
2 Implications for measuring emotions in East Asia
3 Conclusions
26. Emotion Measurement: Integrative Summary
1 Basic studies of emotion
2 Methods for studying emotions
3 Studying emotions in practice
4 Cross-cultural studies of emotions
5 Conclusions
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Emotion Measurement,Herbert Meiselman