Empathy Pathways: A View from Music Therapy 1st edition by Andeline Dos Santos – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3031085566, 9783031085567
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3031085566
ISBN-13 : 9783031085567
Author: Andeline Dos Santos
Many descriptions of empathy revolve around sharing in and understanding another person’s emotions. One separate person gains access to the emotional world of another. An entire worldview holds up this idea. It is individualistic and affirms the possibility of access to other people’s “inner world.” Can we really see inside another, though? And are we discrete, separate selves? How can we best grapple with these questions in the field of music therapy? In response, this book offers four empathy pathways. Two are situated in a constituent approach (that prioritises discrete individuals who then enter into relationships with one another) and two are located in relational approaches (that acknowledge the foundational reality of relationships themselves). By understanding empathy more fully, music therapists, teachers and researchers can engage in ways that are congruent with diverse worldviews and ways of being. Examples used in the book are from active and receptive music therapyapproaches as well as from community and clinical contexts, so as to provide clear links to practice. This book will be a valuable resource for academics and postgraduate students within music therapy and allied fields including art therapy, drama therapy, dance/movement therapy, psychology, counselling, occupational therapy and social development studies.
Empathy Pathways: A View from Music Therapy 1st Table of contents:
1. An Introduction to Empathies
Part I. Insightful Empathy
2. A Stance of Receptivity
3. Awareness Through Multifaceted Perceiving
4. Sharing Emotions
5. Understanding Emotions
6. Responding with Action
Part II. Translational Empathy
7. A Stance of Honouring Opacity
8. Awareness of Translational Processes
9. Responsively Being with Each Other’s Emotional Expressions
10. Negotiating Meanings of Emotions
11. Responding Through Accompaniment
Part III. An Empathising Assemblage
12. A Stance of Acknowledging That We Are Always Already Entangled
13. Affective Attunement
14. Awareness Through Mapping Relationships
15. Enhancing Response-ability
Part IV. Relational Empathy
16. A Stance of Recognising That We Are Selfing Through Relationships
17. Awareness of Emotions as Co-Storying
18. Emotions and Meanings in Layers of Co-Storying
19. Responding by Affirming and Changing Emotion Stories
20. Conclusion
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Empathy Pathways,A View,Music Therapy,Andeline Dos Santos