Engineering Economy 8th Edition by Leland Blank, Anthony Tarquin – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0073523437, 978-0073523439
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0073523437
ISBN-13 : 978-0073523439
Author: Leland Blank, Anthony Tarquin
Engineering Economy presents a crisp, bold new design using color, highlighting and icons to focus on important concepts, terms, equations and decision guidelines. There are new features, new topics (such as ethics and staged decision making), and new online tools; yet no compromise on coverage, examples, or the well-accepted writing style of this popular text. Solved examples, problems and case studies target many of the current engineering challenges in areas such as energy, ethics, the environment, and the world’s changing economics.
Engineering Economy 8th Table of contents:
1) Foundations of Engineering Economy
2) Factors: How Time and Interest Affect Money
3) Combining Factors and Spreadsheet Functions
4) Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
Learning Stage 2 – Basic Analysis Tools
5) Analysis Using Present Worth and Future Worth Values
6) Annual Worth Analysis
7) Rate of Return Analysis: One Project
8) Rate of Return Analysis: Multiple Alternatives
9) Benefit/Cost Analysis and Public Sector Economics
Learning Stage 2 – Epilogue: Selecting the Basic Analysis Tool
Learning Stage 3 – Making Decisions
10) Project Financing and Noneconomic Attributes
11) Replacement and Retention Decisions
12) Independent Projects with Budget Limitation
13) Breakeven and Payback Analysis
Learning Stage 4 – Rounding Out the Study
14) Effects of Inflation
15) Cost Estimation and Indirect Cost Allocation
16) Depreciation and Depletion Methods
17) After-Tax Economic Analysis
18) Sensitivity Analysis and Staged Decisions
19) Decision Making under Risk
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Engineering Economy,Leland Blank,Anthony Tarquin