Ether and Modernity The recalcitrance of an epistemic object in the early twentieth century 1st Edition by Jaume Navarro – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780192517807, 0192517805
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0192517805
• ISBN 13:9780192517807
• Author:Jaume Navarro
Ether and Modernity
The recalcitrance of an epistemic object in the early twentieth century
Ether and Modernity offers a snapshot of the status of an epistemic object, the “ether” (or “aether”), in the early twentieth century. The contributed papers show that the ether was often regarded as one of the objects of modernity, hand in hand with the electron, radioactivity or X-rays, and not simply as the stubborn residue of an old-fashioned, long-discarded science. The prestige and authority of scientists and popularisers like Oliver Lodge and Arthur Eddington in Britain, Phillip Lenard in Germany or Dayton C. Miller in the USA was instrumental in the preservation, defence or even re-emergence of the ether in the 1920s. Moreover, the consolidation of wireless communications and radio broadcasting, indeed a very modern technology, brought the ether into audiences that would otherwise never have heard about such an esoteric entity. The ether also played a pivotal role among some artists in the early twentieth century: the values of modernism found in the complexities and contradictions of modern physics, such as wireless action or wave-particle puzzles, a fertile ground for the development of new artistic languages; in literature as much as in the pictorial and performing arts. Essays on the intellectual foundations of Umberto Boccioni’s art, the linguistic techniques of Lodge, and Ernst Mach’s considerations on aesthetics and physics witness to the imbricate relationship between the ether and modernism. Last but not least, the ether played a fundamental part in the resurgence of modern spiritualism in the aftermath of the Great War. This book examines the complex array of meanings, strategies and milieus that enabled the ether to remain an active part in scientific and cultural debates well into the 1930s, but not beyond. This portrait may be easily regarded as the swan song of an epistemic object that was soon to fade away as shown by Paul Dirac’s unsuccessful attempt to resuscitate some kind of aether in 1951, with which this book finishes.
Ether and Modernity The recalcitrance of an epistemic object in the early twentieth century 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction: Ether—The Multiple Lives of a Resilient Concept
1.1 Ethereal Narratives
1.2 Classical and Modern
1.3 Knowledge, Ethos and Authority
1.4 Matter and Spirit
1.5 Epistemology and Emotions: A Plea to Pluralism
2. The Ether at the Crossroads of Classical and Modern Physics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Ether and Discontinuity, 1909–14
2.3 Eddington Versus Lodge: The Ether and Modern Physics
2.4 Conclusion
3. Transformations of Knowledge in Oliver Lodge’s Ether and Reality
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Invisible Ether and Tangible Entities
3.3 The Implied Reader of Ether and Reality
3.4 The Riddle
3.5 Casting Doubt on Science
3.6 The Rhetoric of Significance
4. Poincaré’s Mathematical Creations in Search of the ‘True Relations of Things’
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Seeking a Mathematics to Express ‘Relations So Delicate, So Rich, and So Precise’
4.3 Poincaré’s 1891 Essay, From his 1880 Hyperboloid Model to His 1887 Fourth Geometry: Geometric Reasoning Untethered, Space ‘Structures’ Engaged
4.4 The ‘True Relations’ That Persist (A ‘Natural Kinship’) Versus The Ether (A ‘Garment’)
4.5 Göttingen, The Expanding Poincaré Corpus, and Minkowski’s Path to Spacetime
4.6 Concluding Comments: 1908–12 and Beyond
5. Ether and Electrons in Relativity Theory (1900–11)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Lorentz Electrons and Local Time in Leiden
5.3 Langevin’s Electron Waves in Ether
5.4 Poincaré on Apparent Time and The Relativistic Electron
5.5 Einstein Exiles The ‘Light-Ether’
5.6 Cunningham’s Multiple Ethers
5.7 Relative Time From Radio Waves
5.8 Minkowskian Electrons In Spacetime
5.9 Minkowski Spacetime as an Ether Stand-In
5.10 Conclusion
6. Making Space for the Soul: Oliver Lodge, Maxwellian Psychics and the Etherial Body
6.1 A Maxwellian Approach to Psychics
6.2 The Debts to Myers and The Unseen Universe
6.3 Ether Problems and New Psychic Possibilities
6.4 Threats to Ether and Spirit
6.5 Lodge’s Etherial Body
6.6 The Reception of Lodge’s Etherial Ideas
7. Lenard’s Ether and Its Vortex of Emotions: Between Accommodating and Fighting Modern Physics with Äther and Uräther in the German Political Context
7.1 Introduction: Philipp Lenard in (Anglo-American) Perspective
7.2 Experiences of the Ether
7.3 Experiments on the Ether
7.4 Emotions From the Ether
8. Ether and Wireless: An Old Medium into New Media
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Wireless in Britain after World War I: The Role of Amateurs and The Bbc
8.3 The Publics of Wireless and Ether
8.4 Ether Under Threat
8.5 Ether, Wireless and Pluralism
8.6 Conclusion
9. Hunting for the Luminiferous Ether: The American Revival of the Michelson–Morley Experiment in the 1920s
9.1 Introduction
9.2 American luminiferous ether between classical and modern physics
9.3 The ether in the American physics literature up until 1950
9.4 Miller’s early work on the Michelson–Morley experiment
9.5 General relativity and the grand revival of the ether-drift experiment in the 1920s
9.6 The Controversy and its Closure
9.7 Conclusion: The Afterlife of Miller’s Experiment
10. Ether and Aesthetics in the Dialogue between Relativists and Their Critics in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
10.1 ‘The Introduction of a “Luminiferous Ether” Will Prove to be Superfluous’
10.2 The Aesthetics of Scientific Principles? Mach versus Newton, and the Gravitational Medium
10.3 Symmetry and the Aesthetics of Vision
10.4 Mach as Critic and Prophet
10.5 Einstein in Dialogue: The Relativist Meets his Critics
10.6 Typefacing Relativity and its Challengers
11. Umberto Boccioni’s Elasticity, Italian Futurism and the Ether of Space
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Scientific and Philosophical Backgrounds to Cubism and Futurism
11.3 Boccioni’s Style and Theories From Mid-1912 Onwards: Matter and Elasticity
11.4 Elasticity In Its Scientific and Occult Contexts
12. An Ether by Any Other Name? Paul Dirac’s Æther
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Aether During Dirac’s Education
12.3 The Æther in Nature
12.4 An Æther for Quantum Electrodynamics
12.5 Dirac’s Historicist Æther
12.6 Conclusion
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