Exercise Cognition Interaction Neuroscience Perspectives 1st edition by McMorris, Terry – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780128011485, 0128011483
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0128011483
• ISBN 13:9780128011485
• Author:McMorris, Terry
Exercise-Cognition Interaction: Neuroscience Perspectives
Exercise-Cognition Interaction: Neuroscience Perspectives is the only book on the market that examines the neuroscientific correlation between exercise and cognitive functioning. The upsurge in research in recent years has confirmed that cognitive-psychology theory cannot account for the effects of exercise on cognition, and both acute and chronic exercise effect neurochemical and psychophysiological changes in the brain that, in turn, affect cognitive functioning.
This book provides an overview of the research into these effects, from theoretical research through current studies that emphasize neuroscientific theories and rationales. It addition, users will find a thorough examination of the effects of exercise interventions on cognitive functioning in special populations, including the elderly, children, and those suffering from a variety of diseases, including schizophrenia, diabetes, and an array of neurological disorders.
With contributions from leading researchers in the field, this book will be the go-to resource for neuroscientists, psychologists, medical professionals, and other researchers who need an understanding of the role exercise plays in cognitive functioning.
Exercise Cognition Interaction Neuroscience Perspectives 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. History of Research into the Acute Exercise–Cognition Interaction: A Cognitive Psychology Approach
Empirical Research
Chapter 2. The History of Research on Chronic Physical Activity and Cognitive Performance
Research with Older Adults
Research with Children
Research with Young Adults
Theoretical Approaches
Mechanisms and Mediators
Chapter 3. Animal Models of Exercise–Brain Interactions
Rodent Exercise Models
Neurological Effects of Exercise
Exercise and the Hippocampus
Functional Significance of Exercise-Induced Adult Neurogenesis
Chapter 4. Beyond the Catecholamines Hypothesis for an Acute Exercise–Cognition Interaction: A Neurochemical Perspective
Catecholamines and the Acute Exercise–Cognition Interaction
HPA Axis Hormones and the Exercise–Cognition Interaction
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Chapter 5. Acute Exercise and Event-Related Potential: Current Status and Future Prospects
Event-Related Potentials
ERPs Following Exercise: Immediate Effects
ERPs Following Exercise: Delayed Effects
Future Considerations of Acute Exercise and ERPs
Chapter 6. Acute Exercise and Cognition: Effects of Cerebral Oxygenation and Blood Flow
Cerebral Oxygenation and Cerebral Blood Flow during Exercise
Cognitive Function: The Effects of Cerebral Oxygenation and Cerebral Blood Flow
Cognitive Function under Hypoxia
Chapter 7. The Reticular-Activating Hypofrontality (RAH) Model of Acute Exercise: Current Data and Future Perspectives
Two Complementary Mechanisms Induced by Exercise
Main Predictions of the RAH Model
Arguments for a Facilitating Effect of In-Task Exercise on Tasks Tapping Implicit Processes
Arguments for a Deactivation of Prefrontal Areas during Vigorous Exercise
Arguments for a Detrimental Effect of In-Task Exercise on Tasks Tapping Executive and Explicit Processes
Limitations and Future Perspectives of the RAH Model
Chapter 8. Chronic Exercise and Cognition in Humans: A Review of the Evidence for a Neurochemical Basis
BDNF and the Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction
Catecholamines and the Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction
HPA Axis Hormones and the Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction
Future Research
Chapter 9. The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction: fMRI Research
Physical Activity Promotes Better Mental Health but How Remains an Open Question
A Brief Review of Theoretical Models on the Mechanistic Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental Health
Introduction to fMRI as a Tool in Human Neuroscience
The Use of fMRI to Test Theories that Link Physical Activity and Mental Health
Summary and Outstanding Questions
Chapter 10. Physical Activity, Fitness, and Cognition: Insights from Neuroelectric Studies
Contingent negative variation (CNV)
Error-related negativity (ERN)
Other ERP Components and EEG Techniques
Chapter 11. Effects of Athletic Fitness on the Exercise–Cognition Interaction
Defining Fitness
Standardizing Exercise Stress
Neurochemical and Morphological Responses to Training
Exercise Effects on Cognition in Athletes
Chapter 12. “Cogito ergo sum” or “ambulo ergo sum”? New Perspectives in Developmental Exercise and Cognition Research
The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Children and Adolescents
The Acute Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Children and Adolescents
The Chicken-and-Egg Problem in Motor and Cognitive Developmental Trajectories
Toward an Integrated View on Cognition and “E-motion” in Physical Activity
Bridging Theory and Practice: From Neuroscience to Translational Research
Chapter 13. Acute Exercise and Cognition in Children and Adolescents: The Roles of Testosterone and Cortisol
The HPA and HPG Axes in Response to Stress
Effects of Acute Bouts of Exercise on Cognition
Chapter 14. The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Older Adults
Introduction to Exercise and Cognition in Older Adults
Normal Aging of Cognitive Functions and the Brain
Methodological Approaches to Investigate the Exercise–Cognition Relationship
The Physical Activity–Brain and Cognition–Relationship
Cellular and Molecular Correlates of Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Older Adults
Dose–Response Relations
Limitations in Studies Investigating the Exercise–Cognition Relationship in Older Adults
Chapter 15. The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction and Parkinson Disease
Causes and Symptoms of Parkinson Disease
The Effects of PD on Cognition
The Effects of Exercise on Cognition
The Effects of Exercise on Cognition in PD
Future Research and Practical Application
Chapter 16. The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction and Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
The Chronic Physical Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Dementia
The Chronic Physical Exercise–Cognition Interaction in Alzheimer’s Disease
Neurobiological Mechanisms of Physical Exercise Related to Cognition and Mental Health
Final Considerations
Chapter 17. The Chronic Exercise–Cognition Interaction and Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Deterioration
The Diabetic Brain
Can Physical Activity Affect the Diabetic Brain?
Chapter 18. The Exercise–Cognition Interaction and ADHD
What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?
Etiology of ADHD
Determinants of ADHD Trajectories
Current Evidence-Based Treatments for ADHD
Why Might Exercise Benefit Individuals with ADHD?
The Impact of Exercise on ADHD
Where to from Here?
Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 19. Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors: The Protective Role of Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Exercise Training
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast Cancer Treatment and Brain Health
Measuring Cognitive Function in Breast Cancer Survivors
Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Breast Cancer Survivors
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cognitive Function
Exercise Training Effects on Cognitive Function and Brain Health
Future Directions
Clinical Recommendations
Chapter 20. Physical Activity and Cognition in Older Adults with Heart Failure
Reduced Physical Activity as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Cognitive Dysfunction in HF
Benefits of Physical Activity on Neurocognitive Outcomes in Non-HF Populations
Benefits of Physical Activity on Brain Health
Benefits of Physical Activity on Cognitive Outcomes in HF Populations
Summary and Future Directions
Chapter 21. The Effect of Regular Exercise on Cognition in Special Populations of Children: Overweight and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Exercise Training and Cognition in Overweight and Obese Children
Exercise Training and Cognition in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 22. Exercise–Cognition Interaction: State of the Art and Future Research
Acute Exercise
Chronic Exercise
Translational Issues
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Exercise cognition interaction,neuroscience perspectives,McMorris, Terry