Fantasy – How it Works 1st edition by Brian Attebery – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192668935, 9780192668936
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192668935
ISBN-13 : 9780192668936
Author : Brian Attebery
An exciting and accessible study of the genre of fantasy. One of the dominant modes of storytelling in the twenty-first century, fantasy can mirror contemporary experiences and convey our anxieties and longings better than any representation of the merely real. It is the lie that speaks truth. This book addresses two central questions about fantastic storytelling: first, how can it be meaningful if it doesn’t claim to represent things as they are, and second, what kind of change can it make in the world? How can a form of storytelling that alters physical laws and denies facts about the past be at the same time a source of insight into human nature and the workings of the world?
Fantasy – How it Works 1st Table of contents:
1. How Fantasy Means: The Shape of Truth
2. Realism and the Structures of Fantasy: The Family Story
The Saturdays
Half Magic
The Saturdays: Randy’s Adventure
Half Magic: What Happened to Martha
The Structure of Wishing
Daily Magic
Edited Reality
3. Neighbors, Myths, and Fantasy
4. If Not Conflict, Then What?Metaphors for Narrative Interest
5. A Mitochondrial Theory of Literature: Fantasy and Intertextuality
6. Young Adult Dystopias and Yin Adult Utopias
7. Gender and Fantasy: Employing Fairy Tales
8. The Politics of Fantasy
9. Timor mortis conturbat me: Fantasy and Fear
10. How Fantasy Means and What It Does: Some Propositions
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