Female Football Players and Fans: Intruding into a Man’s World 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9781137590244,9781137590251,1137590246,1137590254
Product detail:
- ISBN 10: 1137590254
- ISBN 13: 9781137590251
- Author: Gertrud Pfister,
This volume draws upon social science and historical approaches to provide insights into the world of women’s football and female fans. It gives an in-depth analysis of the development of the women’s game in different European countries and examines the experiences of female fans. An overview about women’s football in Europe shows the rise and development of the game and the increasing inclusion of girls and women in football and fan communities. To date, there has been a lack of research on female participation in football, but drawing on research studies from various European countries, the volume explores a range of issues, including how girls and women become football fans and players, how women combine football with their everyday lives, and how they may encounter stereotypes and barriers when they challenge male dominance by entering this traditionally male sport. This collection will be of interest to students and scholars in a range of fields, including sportssociology, sport sciences, gender studies, leisure studies, women’s studies as well as fandom and cultural studies.
Table of contents:
- 1. Introduction
- Part I. Women’s Football and Female Players
- 2. It’s Still a Man’s Game? The Experiences of Top-Level European Women Footballers
- 3. Women, Football and European Integration: Aims, Questions, Methodological and Theoretical Approaches
- 4. The Beginnings of Women’s Football in South-Western Germany: From a Spectacle to a Sport Event
- 5. Women’s Football Leagues in Europe: Organizational and Economic Perspectives
- 6. Outsiders on the Inside: Integrating Women’s and Men’s Football Clubs in England
- 7. ‘Who Could Name an England Women’s Footballer?’: Female Fans of Men’s Football and Their Views of Women’s Football in England
- Part II. Female Football Fans and their Experiences
- 8. A Socio-Historical Account of Female Experiences of Football’s Golden Age in England
- 9. Is There a Life Beyond Football? How Female Fans Integrate Football into Their Everyday Lives
- 10. ‘One Is Not Born, But Rather Becomes a Fan’: The Socialization of Female Football Fans—A Case Study in Denmark
- 11. Women’s Football Supporter Culture in Sweden
- 12. Challenging or Accommodating the Football System? A Case Study of Female Football Supporter Communities in Spain
- 13. Gender, Play and Identity: A Longitudinal Study of Structure and Agency in Female Football