Figuring Racism in Medieval Christianity 1st edition by M. Lindsay Kaplan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0190678267, 9780190678265
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ISBN-10 : 0190678267
ISBN-13 : 9780190678265
Author: Lindsay Kaplan
In Figuring Racism in Medieval Christianity, M. Lindsay Kaplan expands the study of the history of racism through an analysis of the Christian concept of Jewish hereditary inferiority. Imagined as a figural slavery, this idea anticipates modern racial ideologies in creating a status of permanent, inherent subordination. Unlike other studies of early forms of racism, this book places theological discourses at the center of its analysis. It traces an intellectual history of the Christian doctrine of servitus Judaeorum, or Jewish enslavement, imposed as punishment for the crucifixion. This concept of hereditary inferiority, formulated in patristic and medieval exegesis through the figures of Cain, Ham, and Hagar, enters into canon law to enforce the spiritual, social, and economic subordination of Jews to Christians.
Figuring Racism in Medieval Christianity 1st Table of contents:
1. Servitus Judaeorum: Biblical Figures, Canon Law, and the Construction of Hereditary Inferiority
2. The Mark of Cain and Embodying Inferiority
3. Making Darkness Visible: The Colors of Subjection in Medieval English Psalter Illuminations
4. Jewish Ham: Developing a Discourse of Hereditary Inferiority
5. Cain, Ham, and Ishmael: The African Travels of Perpetual Servitude
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Figuring Racism,Medieval Christianity,Lindsay Kaplan