Financial Accounting For Management 4th edition by Ramachandran And K Ramkumar – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9385965662, 9789385965661
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:9385965662
• ISBN 13:9789385965661
• Author:Ramachandran And K Ramkumar
This book is about accounting and, more specifically, accounting for the non-specialist. Let us begin with something that may surprise many readers. Accounting in the present form is at least six centuries old. It has evolved with every change in the organized economic activity. In the recent past it has become well structured with a better theoretical basis with the advent of an era of accounting standards issued by professional bodies. The first chapter, therefore, deals with the evolution of accounting. We believe that the historical developments that led to the development of accounting are essential to an understanding of its present state and future directions it may take. An insight into the historical development of accounting will also highlight the inherent strength of the basic methodology. Some of the ideas such as capital maintenance run as a core to the accounting practice. Keeping these insights at the back of your mind will lead to better judgment when it comes to taking accounting decisions. The emphasis here is not so much on the mechanical practice but on the conceptual understanding of the methodology. The objective is to ensure that the study of this book enables the reader to understand accounting numbers in a clearer and better perspective. There is no dearth of textbooks on accounting. So it may be pertinent to ask why we need another book. This is not a book that is written as a book. This book is evolved from the notes prepared for satisfying the needs of students whom the first author taught for nearly quarter of a century at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta. The only motivation was to explain accounting in a logical manner, whereby one could master the methodology based on a deeper insight into the basic structure of accounting. This book is written primarily with the objective of addressing it to users of accounting information. Accountants may benefit by the logical explanation for most of the ideas taken for granted in practice. It is also targeted towards graduate students of management, as well as anyone dealing with management and investments, who did not have the facility of prior formal training in accounting. The purpose of the approach followed in this book is also to prepare managers with ability to understand and evaluate accounting reports. A deeper insight into the methodology alone can provide the insight required to unravel complex reporting produced by the practitioners.
Financial Accounting For Management 4th Table of contents:
1 Conceptual Basis of Accounting
2 Balance Sheet
3 Profit and Loss Statements
4 Cash Flow Statement
5 Accounting Records
6 Accounts for Joint Stock Companies
7 Financial Statement Analysis
8 Accounting Issues for Larger Entities
9 Accounting Standards
10 Financial Reporting Practices and Corporate Governance
Appendix Comprehensive Assignment
Company Index
Subject Index
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Financial Accounting,Accounting For Management,Ramachandran And K Ramkumar