Formal Theories of Truth 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780198815686,0198815689,9780192547651, 0192547658
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0192547658
- ISBN-13: 9780192547651
- Author: Jc Beall; Michael Glanzberg; David Ripley
Truth is one of the oldest and most central topics in philosophy. Formal theories explore the connections between truth and logic, and they address truth-theoretic paradoxes such as the Liar. Three leading philosopher-logicians now present a concise overview of the main issues and ideas in formal theories of truth. Beall, Glanzberg, and Ripley explain key logical techniques on which such formal theories rely, providing the formal and logical background needed to develop formal theories of truth. They examine the most important truth-theoretic paradoxes, including the Liar paradoxes. They explore approaches that keep principles of truth simple while relying on nonclassical logic; approaches that preserve classical logic but do so by complicating the principles of truth; and approaches based on substructural logics that change the shape of the target consequence relation itself. Finally, inconsistency and revision theories are reviewed, and contrasted with the approaches previously discussed. For any reader who has a basic grounding in logic, this book offers an ideal guide to formal theories of truth.
Table contents:
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
CHAPTER TWO: Truth-Theoretic Paradoxes: A Select Sampling
CHAPTER THREE: Ingredients of a Liar
CHAPTER FOUR: Preliminaries and Technicalities
CHAPTER FIVE: Nonclassical Logic: Unrestricted Capture–Release
CHAPTER SIX: Classical Logic: Restricted Capture–Release
CHAPTER SEVEN: Digging Beneath the Structure
CHAPTER EIGH:T: Other Directions: Revision and Inconsistency
CHAPTER NINE: Closing Remarks
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