Fortran for Scientists and Engineers 4th edition by Stephen J. Chapman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1260029859, 9781260029857
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Product details:
ISBN-10: 1260029859
ISBN-13 : 9781260029857
Author : Stephen J. Chapman
Fortran for Scientists and Engineers 4th Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Computers and the Fortran Language
1.1 The Computer
1.2 Data Representation in a Computer
1.3 Computer Languages
1.4 The History of the Fortran Language
1.5 The Evolution of Fortran
1.6 Summary
Chapter 2: Basic Elements of Fortran
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Fortran Character Set
2.3 The Structure of a Fortran Statement
2.4 The Structure of a Fortran Program
2.5 Constants and Variables
2.6 Assignment Statements and Arithmetic Calculations
2.7 Intrinsic Functions
2.8 List-Directed Input and Output Statements
2.9 Initialization of Variables
2.10 The Implicit None Statement
2.11 Program Examples
2.12 Debugging Fortran Programs
2.13 Summary
Chapter 3: Program Design and Branching Structures
3.1 Introduction to Top-Down Design Techniques
3.2 Use of Pseudocode and Flowcharts
3.3 Logical Constants, Variables, and Operators
3.4 Control Constructs: Branches
3.5 More on Debugging Fortran Programs
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4: Loops and Character Manipulation
4.1 Control Constructs: Loops
4.2 Character Assignments and Character Manipulations
4.3 Debugging Fortran Loops
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5: Basic I/O Concepts
5.1 Formats and Formatted Write Statements
5.2 Output Devices
5.3 Format Descriptors
5.4 Formatted Read Statements
5.5 An Introduction to Files and File Processing
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6: Introduction to Arrays
6.1 Declaring Arrays
6.2 Using Array Elements in Fortran Statements
6.3 Using Whole Arrays and Array Subsets in Fortran Statements
6.4 Input and Output
6.5 Example Problems
6.6 When Should You Use an Array?
6.7 Summary
Chapter 7: Introduction to Procedures
7.1 Subroutines
7.2 Sharing Data Using Modules
7.3 Module Procedures
7.4 Fortran Functions
7.5 Passing Procedures as Arguments to Other Procedures
7.6 Summary
Chapter 8: Additional Features of Arrays
8.1 2D or Rank 2 Arrays
8.2 Multidimensional or Rank n Arrays
8.3 Using Fortran Intrinsic Functions with Arrays
8.4 Masked Array Assignment: The Where Construct
8.5 The Forall Construct
8.6 Allocatable Arrays
8.7 Summary
Chapter 9: Additional Features of Procedures
9.1 Passing Multidimensional Arrays to Subroutines and Functions
9.2 The Save Attribute And Statement
9.3 Allocatable Arrays in Procedures
9.4 Automatic Arrays in Procedures
9.5 Allocatable Arrays as Dummy Arguments in Procedures
9.6 Pure and Elemental Procedures
9.7 Internal Procedures
9.8 Submodules
9.9 Summary
Chapter 10: More about Character Variables
10.1 Character Comparison Operations
10.2 Intrinsic Character Functions
10.3 Passing Character Variables to Subroutines and Functions
10.4 Variable-Length Character Functions
10.5 Internal Files
10.6 Example Problems
10.7 Summary
Chapter 11: Additional Intrinsic Data Types
11.1 Alternate Kinds of the Real Data Type
11.2 Alternate Lengths of the Integer Data Type
11.3 Alternate Kinds of the Character Data Type
11.4 The Complex Data Type
11.5 Summary
Chapter 12: Derived Data Types
12.1 Introduction to Derived Data Types
12.2 Working with Derived Data Types
12.3 Input and Output of Derived Data Types
12.4 Declaring Derived Data Types in Modules
12.5 Returning Derived Types from Functions
12.6 Dynamic Allocation of Derived Data Types
12.7 Parameterized Derived Data Types
12.8 Type Extension
12.9 Type-Bound Procedures
12.10 The Associate Construct
12.11 Summary
Chapter 13: Advanced Features of Procedures and Modules
13.1 Scope and Scoping Units
13.2 Blocks
13.3 Recursive Procedures
13.4 Keyword Arguments and Optional Arguments
13.5 Procedure Interfaces and Interface Blocks
13.6 Generic Procedures
13.7 Extending Fortran with User-Defined Operators and Assignments
13.8 Bound Assignments and Operators
13.9 Restricting Access to the Contents of a Module
13.10 Advanced Options of the Use Statement
13.11 Intrinsic Modules
13.12 Access to Command Line Arguments and Environment Variables
13.13 The Volatile Attribute And Statement
13.14 Summary
Chapter 14: Advanced I/O Concepts
14.1 Additional Format Descriptors
14.2 Defaulting Values in List-Directed Input
14.3 Detailed Description of Fortran I/O Statements
14.4 Namelist I/O
14.5 Unformatted Files
14.6 Direct Access Files
14.7 Stream Access Mode
14.8 Nondefault I/O for Derived Types
14.9 Asynchronous I/O
14.10 Access to Processor-Specific I/O System Information
14.11 Summary
Chapter 15: Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures
15.1 Pointers and Targets
15.2 Using Pointers in Assignment Statements
15.3 Using Pointers with Arrays
15.4 Dynamic Memory Allocation with Pointers
15.5 Using Pointers as Components of Derived Data Types
15.6 Arrays of Pointers
15.7 Using Pointers in Procedures
15.8 Procedure Pointers
15.9 Binary Tree Structures
15.10 Summary
Chapter 16: Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran
16.1 An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
16.2 The Structure of a Fortran Class
16.3 The Class Keyword
16.4 Implementing Classes and Objects in Fortran
16.5 First Example: A Timer Class
16.6 Categories of Methods
16.7 Controlling Access to Class Members
16.8 Finalizers
16.9 Inheritance and Polymorphism
16.10 Preventing Methods from Being Overridden in Subclasses
16.11 Abstract Classes
16.12 Summary
Chapter 17: Coarrays and Parallel Processing
17.1 Parallel Processing in Coarray Fortran
17.2 Creating a Simple Parallel Program
17.3 Coarrays
17.4 Synchronization between Images
17.5 Example: Sorting a Large Data Set
17.6 Allocatable Coarrays and Derived Data Types
17.7 Passing Coarrays to Procedures
17.8 Critical Sections
17.9 The Perils of parallel Programming
17.10 Summary
Chapter 18: Redundant, Obsolescent, and Deleted Fortran Features
18.1 Pre-Fortran 90 Character Restrictions
18.2 Obsolescent Source Form
18.3 Redundant Data Type
18.4 Older, Obsolescent, and/or Undesirable Specification Statements
18.5 Sharing Memory Locations: Common And Equivalence
18.6 Undesirable Subprogram Features
18.7 Miscellaneous Execution Control Features
18.8 Obsolete Branching and Looping Structures
18.9 Redundant Features of I/O Statements
18.10 Summary
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