Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 6th Edition by Marcia Stanhope – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0323776892, 9780323776899
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ISBN-10 : 0323776892
ISBN-13 : 9780323776899
Author : Marcia Stanhope
Master the essentials of health promotion in community and public health nursing! Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing, 6th Edition provides clear, concise coverage of the nurse’s role in preventing disease, promoting health, and providing health education in community settings. Case studies and critical thinking activities make it easier to apply concepts to community nursing practice. New to this edition are Healthy People 2030 guidelines and coverage of the latest issues, trends, and approaches. Written by well-known nursing educators Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster, this streamlined text covers the fundamentals of designing effective nursing strategies for vulnerable and special populations.
Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 6th Table of contents:
Section 1. Factors Influencing Nursing in Community and Population Health
1. Public health nursing and population health
Public health practice: The foundation for healthy populations and communities
Public health nursing as a field of practice: An area of specialization
Public health nursing versus community-based nursing
Roles in public health nursing
Challenges for the future
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2. The history of public health and public and community health nursing
Early public health
Public health during America’s colonial period and the new republic
Nightingale and the origins of trained nursing
Continued growth in public health nursing
Public health nursing during the early 20th century
African American nurses in public health nursing
Economic depression and the impact on public health
From World War II until the 1970s
Public health nursing from the 1970s to the present
The origin and progression of COVID-19
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3. US and global health care
Health care in the United States
Forces stimulating change in the demand for health care
Current health care system in the United States
Organization of the health care system
Forces influencing changes in the health care system
Overview of global health and nursing
Health care delivery reform efforts—United States
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4. Government, the law, and policy activism
Governmental role in US health care
Trends and shifts in governmental roles
Government health care functions
Healthy People 2030: An example of national health policy guidance
Organizations and agencies that influence health
Federal health agencies
Federal nonhealth agencies
State and local health departments
Impact of government health functions and structures on nursing
The law and health care
Constitutional law
Legislation and regulation
Judicial and common law
Laws specific to nursing practice
Legal issues affecting health care practices
The nurse’s role in the policy process
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5. Economics of US health care delivery
Public health and economics
Factors affecting resource allocation in health care
Primary prevention
The context of the US health care system
Trends in health care spending
Factors influencing health care costs
Financing of health care
Health care payment systems
Economics and the future of nursing practice
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Section 2. Forces Affecting Nurses in Community and Population Health Care Delivery
6. Ethics in public and community health nursing practice
Brief history of ethics and bioethics: Relationship to nursing and public health
Foundations of nursing and public health’s codes of ethics
Ethical decision making
Ethical principles and theories as guides to ethical decision making
Ethics and the core functions of public health nursing
Nursing code of ethics
Public health code of ethics
Advocacy and ethics
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7. Culture of populations in communities
Why cultural competence matters
Culture, race, and ethnicity
Cultural diversity
Social determinants of health
Immigrant issues
Developing cultural competence
Culturally competent nursing interventions
Inhibitors to developing cultural competence
Cultural nursing assessment
Building culturally competent organizations
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8. Environmental health
Environmental health sciences
Multidisciplinary approaches
Climate change
Environmental health assessment
The right to know
Risk assessment
Assessing environmental health risks in children
Reducing environmental health risks
Risk communication
Government environmental protection
Environmental justice and environmental health disparities
Unique environmental health threats in the health care industry: New opportunities for advocacy
Referral resources
Roles for nurses in environmental health
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9. Evidence-based practice
Definition of evidence-based practice
History of evidence-based practice
Paradigm shift in use of evidence-based practice
Types of evidence
Factors leading to change
Barriers to evidence-based practice
Steps in the evidence-based practice process
Approaches to finding evidence
Approaches to evaluating evidence
Approaches to implementing evidence-based practice
Current perspectives
Healthy People 2030 objectives
Example of application of evidence-based practice to public health nursing
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Section 3. Conceptual Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice in the Community
10. Epidemiologic applications
How nurses use epidemiology
Basic concepts in epidemiology
Basic methods in epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology
Analytic epidemiology
Experimental studies
Applications of epidemiology in nursing
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11. Infectious disease prevention and control
Historical and current perspectives
Transmission of communicable diseases
Surveillance of communicable diseases
Emerging infectious diseases
Prevention and control of infectious diseases
Agents of bioterrorism
Vaccine-preventable disease
Foodborne and waterborne diseases
Vector-borne disease and zoonoses
Parasitic diseases
Health care–acquired infections
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12. Communicable and infectious disease risks
Human immunodeficiency virus infection
Sexually transmitted diseases
Nurse’s role in providing preventive care for communicable diseases
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13. Community assessment and evaluation
Community defined
Community as client
Community health
Community as partner: The process from assessment to evaluation
Community as partner
How to conduct a community assessment
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14. Health education in the community
Healthy People 2030 objectives for health education
Education, learning, and change
The educational process
Health education for community groups
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Section 4. Issues and Approaches in Health Care of Populations
15. Case management
Concepts of case management
Essential skills for case managers
Issues in case management
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16. Disaster management
National disaster planning and response: A health-focused overview
The disaster management cycle and the nursing role
Future of disaster management
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17. Public health surveillance and outbreak investigation
Disease surveillance
Notifiable diseases
Types of surveillance systems
The investigation
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18. Program management
Definitions and goals
Benefits of program planning
Planning process
Program evaluation
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19. Health care improvement in the community
US milestones in quality
Health care quality and nursing practice
Definitions and goals
Approaches to quality improvement
Performance monitoring
Methods for evaluating health care performance improvement
Evaluation, interpretation, and action
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Section 5. Issues and Approaches in Family and Individual Health Care
20. Family development and family nursing assessment and genomics
Challenges for nurses working with families in the community
Family functions and structures
Family health
Theories for working with families in the community
Genomics and family health
Working with families for healthy outcomes
Social and family policy challenges
Healthy People 2030 and family implications
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21. Family health risks
Early approaches to family health risks
Concepts in family health risk
Major family health risks and nursing interventions
Nursing approaches to family health risk reduction
Community resources
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22. Health risks across the life span
Status of children
Children’s health and major public health issues
Target areas for prevention with children
Health policy, legislation, and ethics related to adult health
Major health issues and chronic disease management of adults across the life span
Health disparities among special groups of adults
Community-based models for care of adults
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Section 6. Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors
23. Health equity and care of vulnerable populations
Health equity
Determinants of health
Vulnerability: Definition and influencing factors
Health status and special needs groups
Public policies affecting vulnerable populations
Nursing approaches to care in the community
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24. Rural health and migrant health
Rural-urban continuum
Population characteristics and cultural considerations
Health status of rural residents
Occupational and environmental health problems in rural areas
Rural health care delivery issues and barriers to care
Health of minorities, particularly migrant farmworkers, including susceptibility to pandemics
Cultural considerations in migrant health care
Nursing care in rural environments
Healthy People 2030: related to rural and migrant health
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25. Poverty, homelessness, teen pregnancy, and mental illness
Understanding vulnerable groups
Poverty: Definition and description
Homelessness: Defining and understanding the concept
Trends in adolescent sexual behavior and pregnancy
Mental illness in the United States
Levels of prevention and the nurse
Role of the nurse
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26. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the community
Scope of the problem
Psychoactive drugs
Predisposing and contributing factors
Primary prevention and the role of the nurse
Secondary prevention and the role of the nurse
Tertiary prevention and the role of the nurse
The nurse’s role
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27. Violence and human abuse
Social and community factors influencing violence
Violence against individuals or oneself
Family violence and abuse
Nursing interventions: Violence and abuse
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Section 7. Nursing Practice in the Community: Roles and Functions
28. Nursing practice at the local, state, and national levels in public health
Roles of local, state, and federal public health agencies
History and trends of public health
Issues and trends in public health nursing
Education and knowledge requirements for public health nurses
National health objectives
Functions of public health nurses
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29. The faith community nurse
Definitions in faith community nursing
Perspectives on nursing in the faith community
History of nursing within the faith community
Rationale for faith community as a viable public (population) health model for nursing
Nursing practice in the faith community
Issues related to nursing practice in faith communities
National health objectives and faith communities
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30. The nurse in public health, home health, palliative care, and hospice
Home health care
Hospice and palliative care
Additional nurse-led models
Population health
Scope and standards of practice
Omaha system
Guidelines for nurses
Linkages in the practice setting
Accountability and quality management
Professional development and collaboration
Legal, ethical, and financial issues
Trends and opportunities
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31. The nurse in the schools
History of school nursing
Standards of practice for school nurses
Educational and licensure credentials of school nurses
Roles and functions of school nurses
School health services
School nurses and Healthy People 2030
The levels of prevention applied in schools
Controversies in school nursing
Ethics in school nursing
Future trends in school nursing
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32. The nurse in occupational health
Definition and scope of occupational health nursing
History and evolution of occupational health nursing
Roles and professionalism in occupational health nursing
Workers as a population aggregate
Application of the epidemiologic model
Organizational and public efforts to promote worker health and safety
Nursing care of working populations
Healthy People 2030 document related to occupational health
Legislation related to occupational health
Disaster planning and management
Practice application
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Foundations,Population Health,Community,Public Health,Nursing,Marcia Stanhope