Full download French Rule in the States of Parma, 1796-1814: Working with Napoleon (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850) 1st edition after payment.
Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3030973395
ISBN-13 : 978-3030973391
Author: Doina Pasca Harsanyi
This book addresses the interplay between collaboration and resistance during the Revolutionary/Napoleonic era in the Duchies of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, renamed States of Parma in 1802 and Department of Taro in 1808. Considered no more than a docile backwater in 1796, the country exploded in violent rebellion at the end of 1805, to the astonishment of the French imperial establishment and of Napoleon himself.
French Rule in the States of Parma, 1796-1814: Working with Napoleon (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850) 1st Table of contents:
Front Matter
Pages i-xiii
Pages 1-8
Prelude to Napoleon
Pages 9-30
Parma and Bonaparte
Pages 31-52
From Duchies of Parma to States of Parma
Pages 53-76
Watershed: The Insurrection
Pages 77-106
Explanatory Narratives: Brigandage
Pages 107-136
Pages 137-162
Order into Chaos
Pages 163-194
Wooing the Elites
Pages 195-211
Elite Collaboration
Pages 213-239
The End of the Road: Conclusions
Pages 241-254
Back Matter
Pages 255-285
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