From Statistical Physics to Data-Driven Modelling: with Applications to Quantitative Biology 1st edition by Simona Cocco – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192633724, 9780192633729
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ISBN-10 : 0192633724
ISBN-13 : 9780192633729
Author: Simona Cocco
The study of most scientific fields now relies on an ever-increasing amount of data, due to instrumental and experimental progress in monitoring and manipulating complex systems made of many microscopic constituents. How can we make sense of such data, and use them to enhance our understanding of biological, physical, and chemical systems?
From Statistical Physics to Data-Driven Modelling: with Applications to Quantitative Biology 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction to Bayesian inference
1.1 Why Bayesian inference?
1.2 Notations and deffnitions
1.3 The German tank problem
1.4 Laplace’s birth rate problem
1.5 Tutorial 1: diffusion coeffcient from single-particle tracking
2 Asymptotic inference and information
2.1 Asymptotic inference
2.2 Notions of information
2.3 Inference and information: the maximum entropy principle
2.4 Tutorial 2: entropy and information in neural spike trains
3 High-dimensional inference: searching for principal components
3.1 Dimensional reduction and principal component analysis
3.2 The retarded learning phase transition
3.3 Tutorial 3: replay of neural activity during sleep following task learning
4 Priors, regularisation, sparsity
4.1 Lp-norm based priors
4.2 Conjugate priors
4.3 Invariant priors
4.4 Tutorial 4: sparse estimation techniques for RNA alternative splicing
5 Graphical models: from network reconstruction to Boltzmann machines
5.1 Network reconstruction for multivariate Gaussian variables
5.2 Boltzmann machines
5.3 Pseudo-likelihood methods
5.4 Tutorial 5: inference of protein structure from sequence data
6 Unsupervised learning: from representations to generative models
6.1 Autoencoders
6.2 Restricted Boltzmann machines and representations
6.3 Generative models
6.4 Learning from streaming data: principal component analysis revisited
6.5 Tutorial 6: online sparse principal component analysis of neural assemblies
7 Supervised learning: classi cation with neural networks
7.1 The perceptron, a linear classifier
7.2 Case of few data: overfitting
7.3 Case of many data: generalisation
7.4 A glimpse at multi-layered networks
7.5 Tutorial 7: prediction of binding between PDZ proteins and peptides
8 Time series: from Markov models to hidden Markov models
8.1 Markov processes and inference
8.2 Hidden Markov models
8.3 Tutorial 8: CG content variations in viral genomes
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Statistical Physics,Data Driven,Modelling,Applications,Quantitative Biology,Simona Cocco