Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering. Understanding Soil, Water, and Pollutant Interaction and Transport 1st edition by Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Evan K. Paleologos – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128051450 9780128051450
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128051450
ISBN-13 : 9780128051450
Author : 1st edition by Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Evan K. Paleologos
Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering: Understanding Soil, Water, and Pollutant Interaction and Transport examines soil-water-pollutant interaction, including physico-chemical processes that occur when soil is exposed to various contaminants. Soil characteristics relevant to remedial techniques are explored, providing foundations for the correct process selection. Built upon the authors’ extensive experience in research and practice, the book updates and expands the content to include current processes and pollutants. The book discusses propagation of soil pollution and soil characteristics relevant to remedial techniques. Practicing geotechnical and environmental engineers can apply the theory and case studies in the book directly to current projects.
Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering. Understanding Soil, Water, and Pollutant Interaction and Transport 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Geoenvironmental Engineering
Chapter 1: Geoenvironmental Engineering in a Global Environment
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Environmental Problems and the Demographic Problem
1.3 Interconnection of Global Environmental Problems
1.4 Geoenvironmental Engineering Aspects
1.5 Actions Toward Restoring the Environment
1.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2: Sources and Characteristics of Wastes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Sources of Wastes
2.3 Municipal Solid Waste
2.4 Pesticide Industry Wastes
2.5 Mining Wastes
2.6 Electroplating and Metal Finishing Industry Wastes
2.7 Metal Smelting and Refining Industries Wastes
2.8 Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes
2.9 Petroleum Refining Industry Wastes
2.10 Paint and Allied Industries Wastes
2.11 Cement Industry Waste
2.12 Agricultural Waste
2.13 Nuclear Industry Wastes
2.14 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3: Management of Wastes: An International Prospective
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Hazardous Waste Designation
3.3 Hazardous Waste Management
3.4 Landfill Design Aspects in Arid Regions
3.5 Radioactive Waste Management
3.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Part II: Soil-Water-Pollutant
Chapter 4: The Soil System
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Soil Phases
4.3 Mineral Composition
4.4 Soil Mineral Transformations
4.5 Crystal Chemistry of Silicates
4.6 Structural Components of Soil Clays
4.7 Properties of Layer Silicates
4.8 Magnetic Minerals
4.9 Soil Organic Matter
4.10 Chemical Properties of the Soil-Fluid Phase
4.11 Charge Development in Soils
4.12 Surface Functional Groups
4.13 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5: Groundwater
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Flow of Water in the Subsurface Environment
5.3 Groundwater Flow Velocity
5.4 Conservation of Mass
5.5 One-Dimensional (1-D) Steady-State Flow in Confined Aquifers
5.6 Regional Groundwater Flow Problem (Toth, 1962)
5.7 1-D Steady-State Flow in Unconfined Aquifers
5.8 Applications of 1-D Steady-State Flow in Unconfined Aquifers
5.9 Time-Dependent (Transient) Flow
5.10 Introduction to Well Hydraulics
5.11 Construction Dewatering
5.12 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6: Soil-Water Interaction
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Interaction With Soil Water
6.3 Bonding
6.4 Theory of Energy of Interaction
6.5 Soil-Water Potential
6.6 Soil-Water Movement and Flux Density Equations
6.7 Water Movement in Unsaturated Soils
6.8 Water Movement Associated With Thermal Gradients
6.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7: Soil and Contaminant Interaction
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Adsorption Isotherms
7.3 Molecular Adsorption Models
7.4 Sorption Kinetics
7.5 Desorption and Hysteresis
7.6 Metal Cation Adsorption
7.7 Organic Pollutant-Soil Organic Matter Interaction
7.8 Soil Organic Matter-Soil Minerals Interaction
7.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8: Fate and Effects of Pollutants on the Land Environment
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Pollutant Pathways
8.3 Environmental Fate
8.4 Bioavailability
8.5 Effect of Pollutants
8.6 Parameter Identification
8.7 Tiered Test Program
8.8 HQ Risk Calculation Tool for POPs
8.9 Damage Assessment of Fugitive Dust
8.10 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9: Subsurface Contaminant Transport
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Modeling Process
9.3 Transport Processes in Soils
9.4 Transport Equation
9.5 Solute Transport Models
9.6 Laboratory Methods for the Determination of Flow Characteristics
9.7 Laboratory Methods for the Determination of Adsorption Characteristics
9.8 Estimation of Steady-State Contaminant Transport Parameters
9.9 Estimation of Transient State Contaminant Transport Parameters
9.10 Irreversible Thermodynamic Modeling of Contaminant Transport
9.11 Advanced Treatments: The Stochastic Approach
9.12 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Part III: Emerging Pollutants
Chapter 10: Emerging Pollutants: Fate, Pathways, and Bioavailability
10.1 Introduction
10.2 General Aspects of EPs
10.3 Nanopollutants: NMs and NPs
10.4 Fate and Exposure Pathways of Nanopollutants
10.5 Bioavailability and Toxicity of Nanopollutants in Environment Media and Organisms
10.6 Risk Assessment and Exposure Model of Nanopollutants
10.7 Technologies for Nanopollutants Adsorption/Treatments
10.8 Nanotechnologies and Environmental Pollution Control
10.9 Sources and Transport of Microplastics into the Environment
10.10 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Part IV: Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electrical, Magnetic, and Dielectric Permittivity Characteristics of Soils and Their Impact on Remedial Technologies
Chapter 11: Stability and Safety of Engineered Barrier Systems for Waste Containment
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Engineered Barrier Systems
11.3 Engineered Covering Systems in Solid Waste Management Industry
11.4 Engineered Covering Systems in the Mining Waste Industry
11.5 Types of Covering Materials
11.6 Issues Concerning the Performance Evaluation of Covering Systems
11.7 Engineered Lining Systems in Solid Waste Management Industry
11.8 Types of Flexible Membrane Liners (FMLs)
11.9 Control and Monitoring of Waste Disposal Facilities
11.10 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12: Radioactive Waste Disposal: Hosting Environment, Engineered Barriers, and Challenges
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Disposal of Short-Lived Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Wastes
12.3 Disposal of Heat-Emitting High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW)
12.4 Stages in the Development of a HLW Repository in a Rock Formation in the Saturated Zone
12.5 Thermal Effects on the Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties
12.6 Performance Assessment Modeling
12.7 Applicable Theories for Clay Barrier Behavior in HLW Repositories
12.8 Development of a HLW Repository in Rock Formations in the Unsaturated Zone: The Yucca Mountain Project
12.9 Calibration/Validation of Models
12.10 Available Mathematical Codes
12.11 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 13: Hydraulic Properties of Soils
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Models to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity
13.3 Laboratory Methods to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity
13.4 Field Methods (Pumping Tests) to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity
13.5 Pumping Tests to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity: Steady-State (Equilibrium) Radial Flow to a Well
13.6 Pumping Tests to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity: Unsteady (Nonequilibrium) Radial Flow to a Well
13.7 Factors Affecting the Hydraulic Properties of Clays
13.8 Effect of Inorganic Chemicals on the Hydraulic Properties of Clays
13.9 Effect of Organic Chemicals on the Hydraulic Properties of Clays
13.10 Effect of Organic Contaminants on the Hydraulic Properties of Geosynthetic Clay Liners
13.11 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 14: Electrical Properties of Soils
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Basic Theory of Electricity
14.3 Electrical Phenomena in Soils
14.4 Principles of Soil Electrical Conductivity
14.5 Soil Electrical Resistivity
14.6 Factors That Affect Soil Electrical Resistivity
14.7 Determination of Aquifer Properties
14.8 Other Methods for Electrical Resistivity Measurements
14.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 15: Magnetic Properties of Soils
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Magnetism in Matter
15.3 Techniques for Measuring Soil Magnetic Properties
15.4 Magnetic Properties of Soils
15.5 Magnetic Susceptibility and Electromagnetic Induction
15.6 Detection of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils and Sediments
15.7 Chemical and Microbiological Transformations
15.8 Impact of Soil Magnetic Content on the Electromagnetic Wave Properties
15.9 Soil Environmental Quality
15.10 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 16: Dielectric Permittivity and Moisture Content
16.1 Introduction
16.2 TDR Soil Dielectrics
16.3 The TDR System
16.4 TDR Dielectric Property Determination
16.5 Laboratory Techniques
16.6 Mixing Models for Dielectric Constant Evaluation
16.7 Dielectric and Hydro-Geological Parameters
16.8 Influence of Physicochemical Properties on the Dielectric Permittivity of Soils
16.9 In Situ Dielectric Measurements
16.10 Petroleum Exploration
16.11 Shallow Subsurface Investigation
16.12 Moisture Content Prediction Models
16.13 Impact of Soil Parameters on Soil Moisture Content Prediction
16.14 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 17: Advances in the Determination of Soil Moisture Content
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Signal Analysis
17.3 Frequency Domain Analysis of Signals
17.4 TDR and Fourier Spectral Analysis
17.5 Eigen-Decomposition of TDR Waveforms
17.6 Neuro-Fuzzy Logic
17.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
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