Gas Injection Methods 1st edition by Zhaomin Li, Maen Husein, Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128223030, 9780128223031
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ISBN-10 : 0128223030
ISBN-13 : 9780128223031
Author: Zhaomin Li, Maen Husein, Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh
The Enhanced Oil Recovery Series delivers a multivolume approach that addresses the latest research on various types of EOR. The second volume in the series, Gas Injection Methods, helps engineers focus on the latest developments in one of the fastest growing areas. Different techniques are described in addition to the latest technology such as data mining and unconventional reservoirs. Supported field case studies are included to show a bridge between research and practical application, making it useful for both academics and practicing engineers. Structured to start with an introduction on various gas types and different gas injection methods, screening criteria for choosing gas injection method, and environmental issues during gas injection methods, the editors then advance on to more complex content, guiding the engineer into newer topics involving CO2 such as injection in tight oil reservoirs, shale oil reservoirs, carbonated water, data mining, and formation damage. Supported by a full spectrum of contributors, this book gives petroleum engineers and researchers the latest research developments and field applications to drive innovation for the future.
Gas Injection Methods 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction to gas flooding technique: fundamentals and applications
1.1 Overview
1.2 Gas injection methods
1.3 Gas types
1.4 Gas flooding design
1.5 Macroscopic displacement efficiency
1.6 Microscopic displacement efficiency
1.7 Vaporizing and condensing mechanisms
1.8 Screening criteria
1.9 Geological factors
1.10 Reservoir heterogeneity and rock structure
1.11 Fluid characterization
1.12 Mineralogy
1.13 Economic consideration
1.14 Soft issue evaluation
1.15 Environmental considerations
Chapter 2. Cyclic gas injection
2.1 Introduction to cyclic gas injection
2.2 Process definition
2.3 Recovery mechanisms
2.4 Experimental investigation on huff and puff process
2.5 Field application of huff and puff enhanced oil recovery method
2.6 Limitation and challenges
Chapter 3. Immiscible carbon dioxide injection
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Carbon dioxide sources
3.3 Analytical models for immiscible displacement
3.4 Recovery mechanisms of immiscible carbon dioxide Injection
3.5 Limitations and challenges
3.6 Carbon dioxide immiscible field experience
3.7 Vapor extraction of heavy oils
Chapter 4. Carbon dioxide miscible flooding
4.1 Minimum miscibility pressure
4.2 Reservoir fluid thermodynamics
4.3 Reservoir fluid condition
4.4 First-contact miscibility
4.5 Multiple-contact miscibility
4.6 Using carbon dioxide for shale oil recovery
4.7 Field experience
Chapter 5. Carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Stages of huff-n-puff processes
5.3 Recovery mechanisms
5.4 Factors affecting carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
5.5 Mathematical and numerical studies
5.6 Experimental studies
5.7 Screening criteria for carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
5.8 Pilot test studies
5.9 Field cases
5.10 Advantages and disadvantages of carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
5.11 Challenges of carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
5.12 Pre-Darcy flow in carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
Chapter 6. Carbon dioxide injection enhanced oil recovery and carbon storage in shale oil reservoirs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Enhanced oil reocvery methods in shale oil reservoirs
6.3 Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery in shale reservoirs
6.4 Experimental carbon dioxide studies
6.5 Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery pilot projects
6.6 Field-scale simulations
6.7 Carbon dioxide adsorption and storage potential in shales
6.8 Environmental considerations
6.9 Economic evaluation
Chapter 7. Carbonated water injection
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Carbon dioxide-brine system
7.3 Carbonated water–oil system
7.4 Carbonated water-rock system
7.5 Impact of pertinent parameters during the carbonated water injection process
7.6 Mechanistic investigation of carbonated water injection
7.7 Carbon dioxide storage capacity of carbonated water injection
7.8 Operational challenges associated with carbonated water injection
7.9 Key research findings and gaps
7.10 Exercises
Chapter 8. Enhanced oil recovery by water alternating gas injection
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Water alternating gas recovery factor and mechanisms
8.3 Classification of the water alternating gas process
8.4 Effects of petrophysical properties on water alternating gas
8.5 Effects of fluid properties on water alternating gas
8.6 Effects of operational parameters on water alternating gas
8.7 Challenges of water alternating gas implementation
8.8 Screening criteria
8.9 Economical aspects
Chapter 9. Carbon dioxide injection in tight oil reservoirs
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Effect of carbon dioxide molecular diffusion
9.3 Comparison of continuous carbon dioxide injection and carbon dioxide huff-n-puff
9.4 Impacts of the various reservoir and fracture properties
9.5 Optimization operational parameters of carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery in tight reservoirs
9.6 Carbon dioxide flooding coupled with pressure maintenance
9.7 Effect of well-pattern on carbon dioxide flooding
9.8 Molecular dynamic simulation of carbon dioxide flooding in tight oil reservoirs
Chapter 10. Formation damage in gas injection methods
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Probable formation damage mechanisms for CO2 flooding and/or sequestration
10.3 Potential formation damage mechanisms for water alternating gas injection
10.4 Challenges of CO2 huff-n-puff operation
10.5 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 11. Application of data mining in gas injection methods
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Modeling minimum miscibility pressure of gas–crude oil
11.3 Modeling solubility of gases in crude oil
11.4 Modeling properties of gases
11.5 Modeling gas–oil relative permeability
11.6 Multiobjective optimization of water alternating gas flooding
11.7 Proxy model for gas injection
Chapter 12. Field case studies of gas injection methods
12.1 Field case studies of carbon dioxide injection
12.2 Field case studies of nitrogen injection
12.3 Field case studies of lean gas injection
12.4 Field case studies of enriched gas injection
12.5 Field case studies of carbonated water injection
12.6 Field case studies of water alternating gas injection
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Gas Injection,Methods,Zhaomin Li,Maen Husein,Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh