Gender Power and Restorative Justice A Feminist Critique 1st edition by Jodie Hodgson – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9783030908263, 3030908267
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 3030908267
ISBN 13: 9783030908263
Author: Jodie Hodgson
This book ties restorative justice into the exercise of patriarchal power. It is focused on the individual narratives of 15 girls and young women who have participated in a victim-offender restorative justice (RJ) conference and the perspectives of youth justice practitioners. Gender, Power and Restorative Justice expands feminist engagement with RJ by focusing critical attention on the importance of the social construction of gender, the exercise of power, shame, stigma, muting and resistance to girls’ experiences of RJ conferencing. Drawing upon recent developments to the sociology of stigma and feminist perspectives on shame, the book contends that RJ conferencing can produce harmful implications for girls and young women who participate. Ultimately it is argued that anti-carceral, social policy alternatives, underpinned by feminist praxis, should replace a youth justice jurisprudence for girls. This book will be of particular use and interest to those studying modules on criminology, youth justice, criminal justice and social work courses.
Gender Power and Restorative Justice A Feminist Critique 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Girls and Youth Justice
3. An Explanation of Gender, Shame and Stigma Power
4. Restorative Justice with Girls Who Offend: Conflicting Perspectives and Alternative Narratives to Dominant Discourses
5. Restorative Justice, Shame and Stigma: Compounding Structural Inequalities in Relation to Gender
6. Deconstructing Dominant Discourse: Conceptualising Restorative Justice Through a Gendered Lens
7. Towards a ‘Girl-Wise’ Penology
8. Conclusion
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Jodie Hodgson,Gender Power,Restorative Justice