Gendering the GOP: Intraparty Politics and Republican Women’s Representation in Congress Catherine N. Wineinger – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197556559,0197556558, 9780197556566, 0197556566
Product details:
• ISBN 10: 0197556566
• ISBN 13: 9780197556566
• Author:
In Gendering the GOP, Catherine N. Wineinger argues that to truly understand the evolution of women’s congressional representation, it is necessary to move beyond an analysis of legislative behavior and toward an analysis of intraparty gender dynamics. Unlike previous research on women in Congress, Wineinger focuses exclusively on the experiences of Republican congresswomen to uncover some of the gendered implications of congressional polarization.
Table contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction: Party Politics Through a Gender Lens
Chapter 2: Speaking for Women as Republicans: Partisan Woman-Invoked Rhetoric
Chapter 3: Culturally Speaking: Motherhood Rhetoric and Identity Claims
Chapter 4: Institutionalizing a Partisan-Gender Identity
Chapter 5: Amplifying a Collective Voice: Women Conference Leaders as Critical Actors
Chapter 6: Conclusion: Gendering the GOP
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