Gravitational Waves, Volume 2: Astrophysics and Cosmology Maggiore – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780198570745,9780198570899,9780198755289,0198570740,0198570899,0198755287,9780191074479, 0191074470
Product details:
- ISBN 10:0191074470
- ISBN 13:9780191074479
- Author: Cosmology Maggiore
Table contents:
III: Astrophysical Sources of GWs
10:Stellar collapse
11:Neutron stars
12:Black-hole perturbation theory
13:Properties of dynamical space-times
14:GWs from coalescing compact binaries. Theory
IV: Cosmology and Gravitational Waves
17:Basics of FRW cosmology
18:Helicity decomposition of the metric perturbations
19:Evolution of cosmological perturbations
20:The imprint of GWs on the CMB
21:Inflation and primordial perturbations
22:Stochastic backgrounds of cosmological origin
23:Stochastic backgrounds and pulsar timing arrays
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