Health Psychology Biopsychosocial Interactions Canadian 2nd Edition by Edward Sarafino, Timothy Smith, David King, Anita De Longis – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781119506881, 1119506883
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1119506883
• ISBN 13:9781119506881
• Author:Edward Sarafino, Timothy Smith, David King, Anita De Longis
Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions, Canadian Edition
The second Canadian edition of Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions integrates multidisciplinary research and theory to help students understand the complex connections between psychology and health. This comprehensive yet accessible textbook covers the biopsychosocial factors that impact human health and wellness, placing particular emphasis on the distinctive characteristics of the Canadian health care system, the issues and challenges unique to Canadian culture, and the most recent Canadian research in the field of health psychology. Clear, student-friendly chapters examine topics such as coping with stress and illness, lifestyles for enhancing health and preventing illness, managing pain and discomfort, getting medical treatment, and living with chronic illness.
This fully revised second edition features the latest available data and research from across Canada and around the world. New and expanded chapters explore psychosocial factors in aging and dying, legalized marijuana use in Canada, the link between inflammation and depression, Canadian psychosocial models of pain, recent Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation, weight control, eating disorders, and exercise, and much more. Throughout the text, updated illustrative examples, cross-cultural references, and real-world cases reinforce key points and strengthen student comprehension, retention, and interest.
Health Psychology Biopsychosocial Interactions Canadian 2nd Table of contents:
PART I: An Introduction: Basic Issues and Processes
CHAPTER 1: An Overview of Psychology and Health
What Is Health?
Viewpoints from Western History: Physiology, Disease Processes, and the Mind
Seeing a Need: Psychology’s Role in Health
Current Perspectives on Health and Illness
Related Scientific Fields: Foundations and Connections for Health Psychology
Research Methods
Key Terms
CHAPTER 2: The Body’s Physical Systems
Module 1: The Nervous System
Module 2: The Endocrine System
Module 3: The Digestive System
Module 4: The Respiratory System
Module 5: The Cardiovascular System
Module 6: The Immune System
Key Terms (Separated by Modules)
PART II: Stress, Illness, and Coping
CHAPTER 3: Stress—Its Meaning Impact, and Sources
Experiencing Stress in Our Lives
Biopsychosocial Aspects of Stress
Sources of Stress Throughout Life
Measuring Stress
Can Stress Be Good for You?
Key Terms
CHAPTER 4: Stress, Biopsychosocial Factors, and Illness
Psychosocial Modifiers of Stress
How Stress Affects Health
Psychophysiological Disorders
Stress and Cardiovascular Disorders
Stress and Cancer
Key Terms
CHAPTER 5: Coping with and Reducing Stress
Coping with Stress
Reducing the Potential for Stress
Reducing Stress Reactions: Stress Management
Using Stress Management to Reduce Coronary Risk
Key Terms
PART III: Lifestyles to Enhance Health and Prevent Illness
CHAPTER 6: Health-Related Behaviour and Health Promotion
Health and Behaviour
What Determines People’s Health-Related Behaviour?
Developmental, Gender, and Sociocultural Factors in Health
Programs for Health Promotion
Key Terms
CHAPTER 7: Substance Use and Abuse
Substance Abuse
Smoking Tobacco
Alcohol Use and Abuse
Drug Use and Abuse
Reducing Substance Use and Abuse
Key Terms
CHAPTER 8: Nutrition, Weight Control and Diet, Exercise, and Safety
Weight Control and Diet
Key Terms
PART IV: Becoming Ill and Getting Medical Treatment
CHAPTER 9: Using Health Services
Types of Health Services
Perceiving and Interpreting Symptoms
Using and Misusing Health Services
The Patient–Practitioner Relationship
Compliance: Adhering to Medical Advice
Focusing on Prevention
Key Terms
CHAPTER 10: In the Hospital: The Setting, Procedures, and Effects on Patients
The Hospital–Its History, Setting, and Procedures
Being Hospitalized
Emotional Adjustment in the Hospital
How Health Psychologists Assist Hospitalized Patients
Key Terms
PART V: Physical Symptoms: Pain and Discomfort
CHAPTER 11: The Nature and Symptoms of Pain
What Is Pain?
Theories of Pain
Biopsychosocial Aspects of Pain
Assessing People’s Pain
Pain in Children
Key Terms
CHAPTER 12: Managing and Controlling Clinical Pain
Clinical Pain
Medical Treatments for Pain
Behavioural and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain
Hypnosis and Interpersonal Therapy
Physical and Stimulation Therapies for Pain
Pain Clinics
Key Terms
PART VI: Living with Chronic Illness and Confronting Death
CHAPTER 13: Serious and Disabling Chronic Illnesses: Causes, Management, and Coping
Adjusting to a Chronic Illness
Impacts of Different Chronic Conditions
Psychosocial Interventions for People with Chronic Conditions
Key Terms
CHAPTER 14: Life-Threatening Conditions: Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, and HIV/AIDS
Coping With and Adapting to High-Mortality Illness
Heart Disease
Key Terms
CHAPTER 15: Psychosocial Factors in Aging and Dying
Perspectives on Aging
Terminal Illness and Confronting Death
The Survivors: And Life Goes On
Key Terms
PART VII: Looking to the Future
CHAPTER 16 What’s Ahead for Health Psychology?
Goals for Health Psychology
Careers and Training in Health Psychology
Issues and Controversies for the Future
Future Focuses in Health Psychology
Factors Affecting Health Psychology’s Future
Key Terms
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Health Psychology,Edward Sarafino, Timothy Smith, David King,Anita De Longis