Hope Over Fate: Fazle Hasan Abed and the Science of Ending Global Poverty 1st edition by Scott Macmillan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1538164930 9781538164938
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1538164930
ISBN-13 : 9781538164938
Author : Scott Macmillan
Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times called him “one of the unsung heroes of modern times.” Fazle Hasan Abed was a mild-mannered accountant who may be the most influential man most people have never even heard of. As the founder of BRAC, his work had a profound impact on the lives of millions. A former finance executive with almost no experience in relief aid, he founded BRAC, originally the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee, in 1972, aiming to help a few thousand war refugees. A half century later, BRAC is by many measures the largest nongovernmental organization in the world—and by many accounts, the most effective anti-poverty program ever. BRAC seems to stand apart from countless failed development ventures. Its scale is massive, with 100,000 employees reaching more than 100 million people in Asia and Africa. In Bangladesh, where it began, Abed’s work gave rise to “some of the biggest gains in the basic condition of people’s lives ever seen anywhere,” according to The Economist. His methods changed the way global policymakers think about poverty. By the time of his death at eighty-three in December 2019, he was revered in international development circles. Yet among the wider public he remained largely unknown. His story has never been told—until now. Abed avoided the limelight.
Hope Over Fate: Fazle Hasan Abed and the Science of Ending Global Poverty 1st Table of contents:
1. The Fox That Killed My Goat
2. A Moment of Awakening
3. A Shy Boy
4. The Swinging City
5. Those Who Have Seen Death
6. Catalyst for Revolution
7. A Smoldering Ruin
8. Visions and Revisions
9. Speak a True Word
10. Can a Tiger Build a House?
11. A Downward Spiral
12. Small Isn’t Beautiful
13. Names on the Wall
14. The Proving Ground
15. Falling Out
16. A Lonely Burden
17. A Simple Solution
18. Changing the Pattern
19. The One-Room Schoolhouse
20. A Ten-Year Plan
21. The Mystery of the Poisoned Cow
22. Self-Sustaining Mode
23. From Tagore’s Land
24. They Cried Like They’d Lost a Son
25. A Visit from an Old Friend
26. The World’s Most Persecuted
27. If I Had a Little More Time
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Hope Over Fate,Fazle Hasan,the Science,Ending Global Poverty,Scott Macmillan