How to Heal a Workplace Tackle Trauma Foster Psychological Safety and Boost Happiness at Work 1st Edition by Kerry Howard – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781394154487, 1394154488
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1394154488
• ISBN 13:9781394154487
• Author:Kerry Howard
How to Heal a Workplace: Tackle Trauma, Foster Psychological Safety and Boost Happiness at Work
Tackle Trauma, Foster Psychological Safety and Boost Happiness at Work
Primary: Leaders and HR professionals in corporate, government, and nongovernmental organisations
Secondary: Employees and leaders struggling with trauma, mental health, and other various personnel problems
This book is the answer for those leaders who have always wanted to lead a positive workplace: those who want to create a culture that supports their people to be happy, focused on their contribution, and aware of their health; those who seek to create a supportive culture and a business that thrives and ultimately delivers better outcomes for a much lower cost.
How to Heal a Workplace Tackle Trauma Foster Psychological Safety and Boost Happiness at Work 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Workplace Culture
CHAPTER 1: What is workplace culture?
What is workplace culture?
What the data is telling us and how it affects your business
What does our generation have to do with our work ethic?
Where to from here?
The challenge of building focus and resilience
Adapting for a new generation: Why it is essential for growth
Recruitment specialist spells out the future for business
How do we fix it?
CHAPTER 2: Why it’s really about collective mental health
Toxicity in the workplace
How we interact with children shapes their sense of self
Our work and our self-worth
How technology is shaping us
Our early experiences shape our future mental health
Case study: Jenny
Trauma: What is it?
How trauma results in mental health problems
Children express their needs from an early age
The impact of trauma
Trauma in the workplace
Why tackle trauma in the workplace?
Employee assistance programs
Part II: The Role of Leadership
CHAPTER 3: Compassionate Leadership
Get to know your people
Dealing with confidentiality: how much should you tell them?
Inclusive leadership
Eliminating silos with transparency
Understanding the culture
The leadership lottery
We need checks and balances
What makes our people happy?
Categorising our attributes
Working with different personality types
How do supervisors cause psychosocial injuries?
Annette’s story
Change management is more than just process
Why senior leaders need to regularly review their HR data
Communication needs to be a habit
The benefit of an independent review
Spotting early signs of a negative change in culture
CHAPTER 4: Conscientious Leadership
The changing world of work
Consciously leading
The self-management system
Part III: Risk and Psychological Safety
CHAPTER 5: Validation
How our brains process trauma
What happens when we’re not validated?
Why we need to validate
Validation facilitates recovery
Mediation facilitates being heard
Case study: Monica
Leadership stress
Provide recognition validation without action validation
CHAPTER 6: Mitigating Risk in Psychological Safety
New leadership
Great leaders empower solutions
It’s not enough to simply listen to your people
Case study: Karen
The benefit of the doubt
Why great workers aren’t always great leaders
Part IV: Prevention and Recovery
CHAPTER 7: Industry Challenges
First responders
Georgeina Whelan: ACT Emergency Services Agency
Andrew Short: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Stuart Bartels: Australian Institute of Police Management
The resources sector
It’s not all about stigma …
Marion’s story
Management as power
Women as minority groups
Why does gender representation have an impact on psychosocial safety?
The solution
Community-based trauma
Empathy and the leadership lottery
The importance of compassionate people leadership
Social change
CHAPTER 8: Insurance
The legal framework
Employer contact with injured workers
The challenge
How the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act affects government workers
Which system is the best?
Erin’s story
Policy directives to save money
How and where regulation is enforced
Why the insurance system makes it worse
CHAPTER 9: Prevention
Recovery at work model
How can you innovate for injured workers?
Workers Compensation Claim done?
Now the insurer is involved
Can we fix a long term problem?
Matthew’s story
You need a senior leadership focus on mental health
Recipe for Success: The role of the Chief Happiness Officer
Why we need to continuously improve
Supporting people through challenges
You have the tools to be the compassionate leader you want to be
Next Steps: The power of three
Who, what, when, where, why and how
Find your ‘why’
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