International Business and Emerging Economy Firms: Volume I: Universal Issues and the Chinese Perspective 1st Edition by Marin A. Marinov – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3030244822, 9783030244828
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3030244822
ISBN-13 : 9783030244828
Author : Marin A. Marinov
How do firms from emerging economies strive for the internationalization of their business? This comprehensive two-volume collection tackles this question by taking a closer look at underexplored issues, including bottom of the pyramid (BoP) business models, value creation and co-creation, employee commitment and the ‘born global’ concept. Taking both a geographic and thematic approach to the topic, the first volume addresses universal challenges such as inclusive innovation, the ethics of corporate leadership, and knowledge management, and also places a special emphasis on China. Providing an overview of the strategies and operations involved in internationalizing Chinese firms, this book is an essential read for those researching emerging markets and globalization in general, as well as Asian Business more specifically.
International Business and Emerging Economy Firms: Volume I: Universal Issues and the Chinese Perspective 1st Table of contents:
1. International Business and Emerging Economy Firms: Present Characteristics and Future Trends
Part I. Universal Issues Concerning Emerging Economy Firms
2. Multinational Enterprise and Inclusive Innovation at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Systematic Literature Review
3. The Effect of Emerging Economies Operations on Knowledge Utilization: The Behavior of International Companies as Exaptation and Adaptation
4. Value Co-creation in Multinational Enterprises’ Services Marketing at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Markets
5. An Ethical Perspective on Corporate Leadership in Emerging Economy Contexts: Setting the Scene for Future Research
Part II. Specifics of Chinese Firms and Chinese Context
6. The Power of Prestige: Investigating Employees’ Commitment in Companies Acquired by Chinese Multinational Enterprises in Germany
7. A Combinative Perspective on Technology Adoption: A Case Analysis of Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Chinese Financial Industry
8. Examining the Importance of Social Media and Other Emerging ICTs in Far Distance Internation
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