Interrogating Modernity: Debates with Hans Blumenberg 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030430153,9783030430160,3030430154,3030430162
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 3030430162
- ISBN-13: 9783030430160
- Author: Agata BielikRobson; Daniel Whistler
Interrogating Modernity returns to Hans Blumenberg’s epochal The Legitimacy of the Modern Age as a springboard to interrogate questions of modernity, secularisation, technology and political legitimacy in the fields of political theology, history of ideas, political theory, art theory, history of philosophy, theology and sociology. That is, the twelve essays in this volume return to Blumenberg’s work to think once more about how and why we should value the modern. Written by a group of leading international and interdisciplinary researchers, this series of responses to the question of the modern put Blumenberg into dialogue with other twentieth, and twenty-first century theorists, such as Arendt, Bloch, Derrida, Husserl, Jonas, Latour, Voegelin, Weber and many more. The result is a repositioning of his work at the heart of contemporary attempts to make sense of who we are and how we’ve got here.
Table contents:
Part I. Overcoming Gnosticism
1. I Hurt, Therefore I Am: Descartes with Blumenberg (and Job)
2. Legitimacy of Nihilism: Blumenberg’s Post-Gnosticism
3. Blumenberg, Latour and the Apocalypse
Part II. Political Theologies of Modernity
4. The Sovereignty of the World: Towards a Political Theology of Modernity (After Blumenberg)
5. Interrogating John Locke and the Propriety of Appropriation with Blumenberg and Voegelin
6. Political Legitimacy and Founding Myths
Part III. Competing Visions of Modernity
7. Trial and Crisis: Blumenberg and Husserl on the Genesis and Meaning of Modern Science
8. Infinite Progress and the Burdens of Biography
9. The Ideal of Optics and the Opacity of Life: Blumenberg on Modernity and Myth
Part IV. Modernity and Method
10. World-Modelling and Cartesian Method: Blumenberg’s Hyperopia
11. Umbesetzung: Reoccupation in Blumenbergian Modernity
12. Modernizing Blumenberg
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