ISE EBook for Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building 12th edition by Robert N. Lussier – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1264069286 9781264069286
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1264069286
ISBN-13 : 9781264069286
Author : Robert N. Lussier
Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building, 12th edition, offers a workbook-style approach that is perfect for incorporating activities and exercises into the classroom. This approach helps students master critical concepts as well as develop skills that they can use in their professional lives.The book provides a balanced, three-pronged approach: A clear, concise understanding of human relations and organizational behavior concepts; Application of human relations and organizational behavior in the business world; and Development of human relations and organizational behavior skills.
ISE EBook for Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building 12th Table of contents:
Part One: Intrapersonal Skills: Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance Begin with You
Chapter 1: Understanding Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance and Being Happy
Why Human Relations Skills Are So Important
Human Relations and Its Goal
Behavior, Human Relations, and Organizational Performance
Human Relations: Past, Present, and Future
Happiness and Developing Human Relations Skills
Handling Human Relations Problems
What’s in the Book
Assessing Your Human Relations Abilities and Skills
Chapter 2: Personality, Stress, Learning, and Perception
Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Learning
Developing Positive First Impressions
Chapter 3: Attitudes, Self-Concept, Values, and Ethics
Job Satisfaction
Part Two: Interpersonal Skills: The Foundation of Human Relations
Chapter 4: Communications, Emotions, and Criticism
Organizational Structure and Communication
The Communication Process, Barriers, and Differences
Sending Messages
Receiving Messages
Responding to Messages
Situational Communication
Dealing with Emotions
Chapter 5: Dealing with Conflict
Transactional Analysis
Anger, Incivility, and Violence in the Workplace
Conflict Management Styles
Resolving Conflicts with the Collaborating Conflict Style
Putting It All Together
Part Three: Leadership Skills: Influencing Others
Chapter 6: Leading and Trust
The Need for Leadership Skills
Leadership Trait Theory
Behavioral Leadership Theories
Contingency Leadership Theories
Situational Supervision
Putting the Leadership Theories Together and Diversity and Global Leadership
Chapter 7: Motivating Performance
The Importance of Motivation
Content Motivation Theories
Process Motivation Theories
Reinforcement Theory
Motivation Techniques
Putting the Motivation Theories Together and Self-Motivation
Do Motivation Theories Apply Globally?
Chapter 8: Ethical Power and Politics
Influencing Tactics
Organizational Politics
Vertical Politics
Horizontal Politics
Customer Relations
Do Power and Politics Apply Globally?
Chapter 9: Networking and Negotiating
The Networking One-Minute Self-Sell
Developing Your Network
Negotiation Planning
Do Networking and Negotiating Apply Globally?
Part Four: Leadership Skills: Team and Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance
Chapter 10: Team Dynamics, Creativity and Problem Solving, and Decision-Making
Team Dynamics
Team Development Stages and Leadership
Leadership Skills in Team Meetings
Problem Solving and Decision-Making
Creativity and Team Problem Solving and Decision-Making
Does Teamwork and Decision-Making Apply Globally?
Putting Teamwork All Together
Chapter 11: Organizational Change and Culture
Managing Change
Resistance to Change and How to Overcome It
Organizational Culture
Organizational Climate
Organizational Development
Global Differences
The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Climate, and Development
Chapter 12: Valuing Diversity and Inclusion Globally
Diversity and Inclusion
Prejudice and Discrimination
Equal Employment Opportunity For All
Dimensions of Diversity and Inclusion
Sexism, Racism, and Work and Family Balance
Global Cultural Diversity and Relations
Handling Complaints
Appendix A: Time, Career, and Etiquette Management
Time Management
Career Management
Etiquette Management
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ISE EBook,Human Relations,Organizations,Applications,Skill Building,Robert Lussier