Lawrie’s Meat Science 8th Edition by Fidel Toldra – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0081006977, 9780081006979
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ISBN-10 : 0081006977
ISBN-13 : 9780081006979
Author : Fidel Toldra
Lawrie’s Meat Science, Eighth Edition, provides a timely and thorough update to this key reference work, documenting significant advances in the meat industry, including storage and preservation of meat, the eating quality of meat, and meat safety.
The book examines the growth and development of meat animals, from the conversion of muscle to meat and eventual point of consumption. This updated volume has been expanded to include chapters examining such areas as packaging and storage, meat tenderness, and meat safety. Furthermore, central issues such as the effects of meat on health and the nutritional value of meat are analyzed.
Lawrie’s Meat Science 8th Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Meat and Muscle
1.2. Meat From Other Animals
1.3. Domestication of Livestock
1.4. Trends and Developments
1.5. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 2. Factors Influencing the Growth of Meat Animals
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Measurement of Growth and Body/Carcass Composition
2.3. Animal Influences on Growth of Farm Animals
2.4. Nonanimal Influences on Growth of Farm Animals
2.5. Interactions Between Animal and Nonanimal Influences on Growth of Farm Animals
2.6. Future Developments
Chapter 3. The Structure and Growth of Muscle
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Muscle Tissue
3.3. Generalized Skeletal Muscle Structure
3.4. The General Structure of the Striated (Skeletal) Muscle Cell
3.5. Muscle Fiber Types
3.6. Structure of the Individual Intramuscular Connective Tissues
3.7. Variations in Intramuscular Connective Tissue Content Between Muscles
3.8. Composition of Intramuscular Connective Tissues
3.9. Collagens in Muscle
3.10. Collagen Cross-Linking
3.11. Microfilaments and Elastin
3.12. Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans
3.13. Cell–Matrix Connectors: Laminin and Fibronectin, Dystrophin, and the Integrins
3.14. The Structure of Adipose Tissues
3.15. Muscle Development and Growth
3.16. Muscle Development in Embryogenesis and Prenatal Growth
3.17. Adipogenesis and Fibrillogenesis
3.18. Fetal Development
3.19. Postnatal Muscle Growth
3.20. Muscle Cells Grow by Incorporating Satellite Cells
3.21. Distribution and Percentage of Fat and Lean Muscle in the Growing Animal
3.22. Muscle Cuts
3.23. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 4. Chemical and Biochemical Constitution of Muscle
4.1. General Chemical Aspects
4.2. Biochemical Aspects
4.3. Factors Affecting Meat Quality
4.4. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 5. The Conversion of Muscle to Meat
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Postmortem Metabolism
5.3. The Factors Controlling the Rate of Postmortem Metabolism
5.4. The Factors Controlling the Extent of Postmortem Metabolism
5.5. Abnormal Postmortem Metabolism
5.6. Preslaughter Stress
5.7. Development of Meat Quality Attributes
5.8. Postmortem Handling and Meat Quality—Temperature
5.9. Aging and Proteolysis
5.10. Conclusions
Chapter 6. Meat Microbiology and Spoilage
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Origin and Dynamics of Meat Microbial Contamination Involved in Spoilage
6.3. Mechanisms Involved in Meat Bacterial Spoilage
6.4. The Main Microbial Contaminants of Meat Involved in Spoilage
6.5. The Main Spoilage Manifestations and Their Microbial Causes
6.6. Future Trends
Chapter 7. The Storage and Preservation of Meat: I—Thermal Technologies
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Chilling
7.3. Freezing
7.4. Heating
7.5. Novel Thermal Procedures
7.6. Future Trends
Chapter 8. The Storage and Preservation of Meat: II—Nonthermal Technologies
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Ionizing Radiation
8.3. High Pressure
8.4. Freeze Dehydration
Chapter 9. The Storage and Preservation of Meat: III—Meat Processing
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Curing
9.3. Fermentation
9.4. Dehydration
9.5. Smoking
9.6. Processing Technologies for Cured Meat Products
9.7. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 10. Storage and Preservation of Raw Meat and Muscle-Based Food Products: IV Storage and Packaging
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Impact of Microbiology on Fresh Meat Quality Attributes
10.3. Common Technologies Used to Preserve Fresh Meat Products and Assist in a Combined Manner to Extend Product Shelf Life
10.4. Packaging Materials Used for Fresh Meat and Muscle-Based Products
10.5. Conclusions
Chapter 11. The Eating Quality of Meat: I—Color
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Myoglobin Concentration
11.3. Myoglobin Structure
11.4. Color Phenomena in Fresh Meat
11.5. Color in Cooked Nitrite-Cured and Salted Uncooked Meats
11.6. Cooked Meat Color
11.7. Anomalies in Meat Color
11.8. Measuring Meat Color
11.9. Summary Statement
Chapter 12. The Eating Quality of Meat: II—Tenderness
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Measuring Tenderness
12.3. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 13. The Eating Quality of Meat: III—Flavor
13.1. Aroma and Taste Compounds
13.2. Volatile Compounds Generation Reactions
13.3. Methodology for Meat Aroma Volatile Identification
13.4. Pre- and Postslaughter Factors Affecting Aroma
13.5. Off-Flavors
13.6. Meat Product Flavor
13.7. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 14. The Eating Quality of Meat—IV Water-Holding Capacity and Juiciness
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Definition of Water-Holding Capacity and Juiciness
14.3. Structural Influences on the Water-Holding Capacity of Uncooked (Raw) Meat
14.4. Factors Influencing Water-Holding Capacity in Raw Muscle
14.5. Changes in Water-Holding Capacity During Cooking of Raw Meat
14.6. Juiciness—Influencing Factors and Interactions With Water-Holding Capacity
14.7. Factors Influencing Water-holding Capacity of Meat Products
14.8. Methods to Measure Water-Holding Capacity and Juiciness
14.9. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 15. The Eating Quality of Meat: V—Sensory Evaluation of Meat
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Why Sensory Evaluation of Meat Is Unique
15.3. Overview of How Sensory Is Perceived and Defining Sensory Attributes
15.4. Sensory Controls for Meat
15.5. Sensory Techniques
15.6. Emerging or Underutilized Sensory Techniques
15.7. Conclusions
Chapter 16. Phenotyping of Animals and Their Meat: Applications of Low-Power Ultrasounds, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and Hyperspectral Imaging
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Principles of the Main Methods
16.3. Applications in Meat Quality Assessment
16.4. Conclusions
Chapter 17. Meat Safety—I Foodborne Pathogens and Other Biological Issues
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Foodborne Illnesses Associated With the Consumption of Meat and Meat Products
17.3. Bacteria and Bacterial Toxins
17.4. Viruses
17.5. Parasites
17.6. Prions
17.7. Current and Emerging Challenges to Meat Safety Management
17.8. Concluding Remarks and Future Trends
Chapter 18. Meat Safety: II Residues and Contaminants
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Chemical Contaminants and Residues
18.3. Risk Assessment
18.4. Analytical Methods
18.5. Future Trends and Perspectives
Chapter 19. Meat Authenticity and Traceability
19.1. General Overview
19.2. Intrinsic Characteristics of the Meat
19.3. Extrinsic Characteristics of the Meat
19.4. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 20. Meat Composition and Nutritional Value
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Meat Consumption Patterns
20.3. Composition of Meat
20.4. Effects of Cooking on Nutrients in Meat
20.5. Conclusions and Future Possibilities
Chapter 21. Meat and Health
21.1. Introduction: Nutrients Supplied From Meat
21.2. Meat in Healthy Nutrition and Diet
21.3. Recommended Meat Intakes
21.4. Functional Muscle Foods
21.5. Problematics With Toxins and Residues
21.6. Conclusions
Chapter 22. Edible By-products
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Main Edible By-products
22.3. Nutritional Value of Edible By-products
22.4. Products Resulting From Edible By-products
22.5. Added Value Products Obtained From Edible By-products
22.6. Conclusions and Future Trends
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