LGBT Victorians: Sexuality and Gender in the Nineteenth-Century Archives 1st edition by Simon Joyce – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 019267420X, 9780192674203
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 019267420X
ISBN-13 : 9780192674203
Author: Simon Joyce
It has been decades since Michel Foucault urged us to rethink “the repressive hypothesis” and see new forms of sexual discourse as coming into being in the nineteenth century, yet the term “Victorian” still has largely negative connotations. LGBT Victorians argues for re-visiting the period’s thinking about gender and sexual identity at a time when our queer alliances are fraying. We think of those whose primary self-definition is in terms of sexuality (lesbians, gay men, bisexuals) and those for whom it is gender identity (intersex and transgender people, genderqueers) as simultaneously in coalition and distinct from each other, on the assumption that gender and sexuality are independent aspects of self-identification. Re-examining how the Victorians considered such identity categories to have produced and shaped each other can ground a more durable basis for strengthening our present LGBTQ+ coalition. LGBT Victorians draws on scholarship reconsidering the significance of sexology and efforts to retrospectively discover transgender people in historical archives, particularly in the gap between what the nineteenth century termed the sodomite and the hermaphrodite. It highlights a broad range of individuals (including Anne Lister, and the defendants in the “Fanny and Stella” trial of the 1870s), key thinkers and activists (including Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs and Edward Carpenter), and writers such as Walt Whitman and John Addington Symonds to map the complicated landscape of gender and sexuality in the Victorian period. In the process, it decenters Oscar Wilde and his imprisonment from our historical understanding of sexual and gender nonconformity.
LGBT Victorians: Sexuality and Gender in the Nineteenth-Century Archives 1st Table of contents:
Part One: Coalescing Concepts
1. On or About 1820: Modalities of Lesbian Emergence
Romantic Friendship and Genital Sex
“Certainly a Man”?
Class, Community, and Same-Sex Desire
2. Ulrichs’ Riddles
Uranian/Intersex/Transgender: Assessing Ulrichs’ Categories
Anima Muliebris Virili Corpore Inclusa
Riddle as Self-Assessment
Beyond Ulrichs: Krafft-Ebing and Hirschfeld
Part Two: Victorian Sexology and the Problem of Effeminacy
3. John Addington Symonds and the Problems of Ethical Homosexuality
Affirming Intermediacy: The Male Mittel
The Problem with Reciprocation
Greek Ethics
Pinning Whitman Down
4. Toward an Intermediate Sex: Edward Carpenter’s Queer Palimpsests
First Draft of History
Homogenic Love and the Wilde Trials
Carpenter and the New Woman
Agitation from the Vanguard
Carpenter and German Sexology
Part Three: Gay Men/Trans Women
5. Two Women Walk into a Theater Restroom: The Trial of Fanny and Stella
Pronoun Confusion: The Case for “She”
Interpretive Consequences
Fanny, Stella, and the “Androgynous Clique”
Photographing Fanny and Stella
6. Bodies in Transition: Trans-Curiosity in Late-Victorian Pornography
Gay Men: Teleny
“Mary-Annes”: Sins of the Cities of the Plain
Trans-Gender: Letters from Laura and Eveline
Inter-sex: The Romance of Violette
Coda: “And I? May I Say Nothing, My Lord?”
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LGBT Victorians,Sexuality,Gender,Nineteenth Century,Archives,Simon Joyce