Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End-of-Life 1st edition by Rafael A. Auras – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1119878128, 9781119878124
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1119878128
ISBN-13 : 9781119878124
Author : Rafael A. Auras
In Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End of Life, a team of distinguished researchers delivers an authoritative and accessible explanation of the role played by packaging in sustainable development and the circular economy. The book offers expansive coverage of every aspect of the packaging life cycle, from design to management and end of life. It is a holistic and integrated evaluation of packaging’s environmental footprint.
The authors show students and readers how to incorporate design and life cycle concepts into the development of sustainable packaging materials and help them understand critical background information about pollution and risk management. They also provide readers with learning objectives and self-study questions for each chapter that help them retain and understand the ideas discussed in the book.
Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End-of-Life 1st Table of contents:
1 The Role of Packaging in Sustainable Development
1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Packaging and Sustainable Development
1.4 Sustainability
1.5 Sustainability Timeline
1.6 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
1.7 Sustainability Indicators (SIs)
1.8 Life Cycle Thinking
1.9 Circular Economy
1.10 Packaging for Sustainable Development
1.11 Sustainable Packaging Organizations around the World and Their Criteria
1.12 Tools to Evaluate Sustainable Packaging
1.13 Case Study 1.1. The Living Planet Index (LPI)
1.14 Case Study 1.2. Doughnut Economics
1.15 Study Questions
1.16 Additional Resources
2 Design Thinking: The Packaging Design Process
2.1 Learning Objectives
2.2 Introduction
2.2.1 Creativity vs. Innovation
2.2.2 Design of Packaging for Sustainability
2.3 The Design Thinking Process
2.3.1 What Is Design Thinking?
2.3.2 The Five Stages of Design Thinking
2.4 Tools for Thinking about Innovation
2.4.1 Empathy Mapping
2.4.2 Mind Map
2.4.3 Brainstorming
2.5 Packaging Design Process
2.5.1 Applying the Design Process to the Packaging System
2.5.2 Material Selection
2.5.3 Determining Packaging Features
2.5.4 Design Shape
2.5.5 Color and Packaging
2.5.6 Graphics in Packaging
2.5.7 Packaging Design Tools
2.6 Case Study 2.1. Heinz Single-serve Ketchup Dip and Squeeze
2.7 Case Study 2.2. Design for Recyclability
2.8 Study Questions
2.9 Additional Resources
3 Packaging in the Upstream and Downstream Supply Chains
3.1 Learning Objectives
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Resource Use
3.4 Packaging Materials
3.4.1 Metal
3.4.2 Glass
3.4.3 Wood
3.4.4 Paper and Paperboard
3.4.5 Plastics
3.5 Energy
3.5.1 Nonrenewables Petroleum Coal Natural Gas Nuclear
3.5.2 Renewables Biomass Hydropower Wind Solar Energy Geothermal Energy
3.6 Components of the Packaging System
3.6.1 Primary Packaging
3.6.2 Secondary Packaging
3.6.3 Tertiary or Distribution Packaging
3.7 Parameters for Quantifying the Environmental Footprint (EFP) of Packaging Systems
3.8 Case Study 3.1. Cube Efficiency Estimation Using CAPE®
3.9 Study Questions
3.10 Additional Resources
4 Pollution and Risk Management
4.1 Learning Objectives
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Pollution Science
4.4 Risk Assessment and Management
4.4.1 Exposure Assessment
4.4.2 Hazard Identification
4.4.3 Dose–Response Assessment
4.4.4 Risk Characterization Carcinogenic Risks Noncarcinogenic Risks
4.5 Ecological Risk Assessment
4.6 Microbial Risk Assessment
4.7 Case Study 4.1. Estimation of the Health Risk of Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE)
4.8 Study Questions
4.9 Additional Resources
5 Soil Pollution
5.1 Learning Objectives
5.2 Introduction
5.3 Surface Mining
5.4 Deforestation
5.5 Soil Acidity and Salinity
5.6 Soil Erosion
5.7 Agricultural Activities
5.8 Animal Waste
5.9 Industrial Waste
5.10 Invasive Species
5.11 Case Study 5.1. Kudzu as Invasive Species in the Southern US
5.12 Study Questions
5.13 Additional Resources
6 Water Pollution
6.1 Learning Objectives
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Groundwater
6.3.1 Point-Source Contamination Hazardous Organic Chemicals Landfill
6.3.2 Diffuse Source Contamination Agrochemical Contamination Saltwater Intrusion Microbial Contamination Gasoline Additives Perchlorate Arsenic Acid-Mine Drainage
6.4 Surface Water
6.4.1 Marine Water Resources
6.4.2 Sources of Water Pollution
6.4.3 Sediments as Surface Water Contaminants
6.4.4 Metals as Surface Water Contaminants Mercury Arsenic Chromium Selenium
6.4.5 Nutrients and Eutrophication of Surface Waters
6.4.6 Organic Compounds in Water
6.4.7 Enteric Pathogens as Surface Water Contaminants
6.5 Groundwater and Surface Water Legislation
6.5.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
6.6 Case Study 6.1. Pine River Contamination Site
6.7 Case Study 6.2. The Flint Water Crisis
6.8 Study Questions
6.9 Additional Resources
7 Air Pollution
7.1 Learning Objectives
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Primary Air Pollutants
7.3.1 Carbon Monoxide (CO)
7.3.2 Hydrocarbons (HCs)
7.3.3 Particulate Matter (PM)
7.3.4 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
7.3.5 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
7.3.6 Lead (Pb)
7.4 Secondary Pollutants
7.5 Clean Air Act
7.6 Case Study 7.1. Air Quality in Delhi, India, in Winter
7.7 Case Study 7.2. Air Quality in the US in Summer
7.8 Study Questions
7.9 Additional Resources
8 Global Climate Change
8.1 Learning Objectives
8.2 Introduction
8.3 Greenhouse Gases
8.4 Impacts on Global Climate
8.5 Climate Change Agreements
8.6 Case Study 8.1. History of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
8.7 Study Questions
8.8 Additional Resources
9 Life Cycle Assessment
9.1 Learning Objectives
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Provisions of LCA Study
9.4 Different Approaches to Conduct LCI Studies
9.5 Steps of an LCA Study
9.5.1 Goal and Scope Definition of an LCA
9.5.2 Function, Functional Unit, and Reference Flow
9.5.3 Life Cycle Inventory Modeling Framework Flows and Multifunctionality Completeness/Cut-off and Loops Provisions for LCI according to Situations A, B, and C of LCA
9.5.4 Impact Assessment
9.5.5 Interpretation Evaluation of the Results Analysis of the Results Formulation of Conclusions and Recommendations
9.6 LCA Software
9.7 Case Study 9.1. LCA Study of Beverage Packaging Systems
9.8 Study Questions
9.9 Additional Resources
10 Municipal Solid Waste
10.1 Learning Objectives
10.2 Introduction
10.3 World Picture of Municipal Solid Waste
10.4 Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
10.5 Municipal Solid Waste in the US
10.6 Municipal Solid Waste in Different US States
10.7 Municipal Solid Waste Management Approaches
10.8 Case Study 10.1 – Environmental Footprint of PET Bottles Managed According to the US EPA Waste Management Hierarchy
10.9 Study Questions
10.10 Additional Resources
11 Reduction
11.1 Learning Objectives
11.2 Introduction
11.3 Reduction
11.4 Reduction in Packaging
11.4.1 Glass
11.4.2 Metal
11.4.3 Paper, Paperboard, and Corrugated Board
11.4.4 Plastic
11.5 Case Study 11.1. Bacon Packaging
11.6 Study Questions
11.7 Additional Resources
12 Reuse
12.1 Learning Objectives
12.2 Introduction
12.3 Reuse
12.4 Reuse in Packaging
12.4.1 Metal
12.4.2 Glass
12.4.3 Paper, Paperboard, and Corrugated Board
12.4.4 Plastic
12.5 Case Study 12.1. Reusable Cups
12.6 Case Study 12.2. Reusable Plastic Containers (RPC)
12.7 Study Questions
12.8 Additional Resources
13 Recycling
13.1 Learning Objectives
13.2 Introduction
13.3 Requirements for Successful Recycling
13.3.1 Consumer Engagement Motivation Convenience Education/Publicity
13.3.2 Collection Curbside Collection Multidwelling Collection Drop-off Sites Deposit Systems
13.3.3 Sortation
13.3.4 Reprocessing
13.3.5 End Markets
13.4 Recycling of Packaging Materials
13.4.1 Closed- and Open-Loop Recycling
13.5 Metal Recycling
13.5.1 Steel Recycling
13.5.2 Aluminum Recycling
13.6 Glass Recycling
13.7 Paper, Paperboard, and Corrugated Board Recycling
13.8 Plastics Recycling
13.9 Labeling
13.10 Case Study 13.1. Environmental Footprint of Recycling Polymeric Resins
13.11 Case Study 13.2. End-of-Life Scenario of PLA, PET, and PS Clamshells
13.12 Study Questions
13.13 Additional Resources
14 Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradation
14.1 Learning Objectives
14.2 Introduction
14.3 Aerobic Biodegradation
14.3.1 Composting Home/Backyard Composting Industrial Composting Factors Affecting Backyard and Industrial Composting Operations
14.3.2 Agricultural Soils
14.3.3 Other Mostly Aerobic Degradation Environments Soil Biodegradation Aquatic Biodegradation
14.3.4 Measuring Aerobic Biodegradation
14.3.5 Standards and Certifications for Aerobic Biodegradable Materials
14.3.6 Bio-based Carbon Content
14.4 Anaerobic Biodegradation
14.4.1 Standards and Certifications for Anaerobic Biodegradable Materials
14.5 Main Factors Affecting Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradation
14.6 Biodegradation of Packaging Materials
14.7 Paper Biodegradation
14.8 Polymer Biodegradation
14.9 Case Study 14.1. Biodegradation of Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) – PBAT – Films in Yard, Food, and Manure Compost
14.10 Case Study 14.2. Anaerobic Degradation of PLA Films
14.11 Study Questions
14.12 Additional Resources
15 Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste with Energy Recovery
15.1 Learning Objectives
15.2 Introduction
15.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration
15.4 Types of Waste Combustion Units
15.5 Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Plants
15.6 Refuse Derived Fuel
15.7 Energy Recovery from Burning MSW
15.8 Incineration of Metals
15.9 Incineration of Glass
15.10 Incineration of Paper, Paperboard, and Corrugated Board
15.11 Incineration of Plastics
15.12 Case Study 15.1. Burning of Poly(vinyl chloride) – PVC
15.13 Case Study 15.2. Comparison of Emissions from Waste-to-Energy Facilities with Those from Fossil Fuels and Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions
15.14 Study Questions
15.15 Additional Resources
16 Landfill
16.1 Learning Objectives
16.2 Introduction
16.3 Definition of Terms
16.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Disposing Municipal Solid Waste in Landfills
16.5 Classification of Landfills
16.5.1 Landfills Regulated under RCRA – Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Industrial Waste Landfill (IWLF)
16.5.2 Landfills Regulated under RCRA – Subtitle C
16.5.3 Landfills Regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act
16.6 Location, Building, Operation, Closure, and Financial Assurance of Landfills
16.7 Emissions from Landfills
16.7.1 Air Emissions
16.7.2 Leachate
16.8 Energy Recovery from Landfills
16.9 Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste
16.10 Landfilling of Metals
16.11 Landfilling of Glass
16.12 Landfilling of Paper, Paperboard, and Corrugated Board
16.13 Landfilling of Plastics
16.14 Case Study 16.1. Landfilling of Yard Trimmings
16.15 Case Study 16.2. Evaluation of Biodegradation of Polyethylene and Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in Simulated Landfill Environments
16.16 Study Questions
16.17 Additional Resources
17 Litter and Marine Pollution
17.1 Learning Objectives
17.2 Introduction
17.3 Litter in the US and around the World
17.4 Marine Litter
17.4.1 Shoreline and Beach Litter
17.4.2 Oceans and Gyres
17.4.3 Litter in Other Bodies of Water
17.4.4 Cleanup and Prevention
17.4.5 Sources of Ocean Plastics
17.5 Litter and Wildlife
17.6 Microplastics
17.7 Biodegradability and Litter
17.8 Case Study 17.1. Emission of Plastic from Rivers to the World’s Oceans
17.9 Case Study 17.2. Presence of Microplastics in Drinking Water and Food
17.10 Study Questions
17.11 Additional Resources
18 Keeping in Perspective
18.1 Learning Objectives
18.2 Introduction
18.3 Environmental Footprint of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Packaging Systems
18.4 Environmental Footprint of the Product/Package System
18.5 The Role of Packaging in Waste Creation
18.6 Impact of Transportation on the Environmental Footprint of the Product/Package
18.7 Impact of Consumer Behavior on Waste Creation and the Environmental Footprint of the Product/Package System
18.8 Impact of End-of-life Scenarios on the Environmental Footprint of Packaging Systems
18.9 Case Study 18.1. Environmental Footprint of Milk Package Containers in the US
18.10 Case Study 18.2. The Perceived and Actual Environmental Footprint of Glass, Plastic, and Aluminum Beverage Packaging
18.11 Study Questions
18.12 Additional Resources
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Tags: Life Cycle, Sustainable Packaging, Design, End of Life, Rafael Auras