(Ebook PDF) McDonald and Avery’s Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent 11th Edition by Jeffrey Dean -Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9780323698221, 0323698220
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Product details:
ISBN 10:0323698220
ISBN 13:9780323698221
Author: Jeffrey Dean
Table of Contents:
- Part 1. Diagnoses
- 1. Examination of the Mouth and Other Relevant Structures
- Introduction
- Initial Parental Contact with the Dental Office
- The Diagnostic Method
- Preliminary Medical, Dental, Family, and Social History
- Clinical Examination
- Temporomandibular Evaluation
- Uniform Dental Recording
- Radiographic Examination
- Early Examination
- Infant Dental Care
- Detection of Substance Abuse
- Suicidal Tendencies in Children and Adolescents
- Infection Control in the Dental Office
- Emergency Dental Treatment
- 2. Radiographic Techniques
- Radiation Safety and Protection
- Radiographic Image Receptors
- Radiographic Techniques
- Selection Criteria and Radiographic Examinations
- Interpretation of Radiographs
- 3. Acquired and Developmental Disturbances of the Teeth and Associated Oral Structures
- Common Disturbances in Children
- Dentoalveolar Abscess
- Cellulitis
- Developmental Anomalies of the Teeth
- Early Exfoliation of Teeth
- Enamel Hypoplasia
- Pre-Eruptive “Caries” (Pre-eruptive coronal resorption of the pre-eruptive intracoronal radiolucency)
- Taurodontism
- Inherited Defects of Dentin
- Amelogenesis Imperfecta
- Enamel and Dentin Aplasia
- Supernumerary Teeth (Hyperdontia)
- Agenesis of Teeth
- Intrinsic Discoloration of Teeth (Pigmentation of Teeth)
- Micrognathia (Robin Sequence)
- Anomalies of the Tongue
- Abnormal Labial Frenum
- 4. Development and Morphology of the Primary Teeth
- Life Cycle of the Tooth
- Early Development and Calcification of the Anterior Primary Teeth
- Early Development and Calcification of the Posterior Primary Teeth and the First Permanent Molar
- Morphology of Individual Primary Teeth
- Morphologic Differences Between Primary and Permanent Teeth
- Size and Morphology of the Primary Tooth Pulp Chamber and Canals
- 5. Oral Pathology of the Child and Adolescent
- Introduction
- Epithelial Lesions
- Fibroma
- Localized Gingival Swellings
- Congenital Epulis
- Localized Juvenile Spongiotic Gingival Hyperplasia
- Gingival and Palatal Cysts of the Newborn
- Mucocele
- Vascular Malformations
- Lymphangioma
- Benign Neoplasms
- Benign Lesions of Bone
- Malignant Tumors
- 6. Clinical Genetics for the Dental Practitioner
- Review of Genetic Principles
- Cell Differentiation and Developmental Biology
- Chromosomal Abnormalities
- Hereditary Traits in Families
- Developmental Biology of Enamel
- Autosomal Dominant (AD) Inheritance
- Autosomal Recessive (AR) Inheritance
- X-Linked of Sex-Linked Inheritance
- Variation in Gene Expression
- Complex/Multifactorial Inheritance
- Influence of Genetic Factors on Major Cranofacial, Oral, and Dental Conditions
- Genetics and Periodontal Disease
- Genetics of Malocclusion
- External Apical Root Resorption
- Genetics of Cleft Lip and Palate
- 7. Child Abuse and Neglect
- Defining Child Abuse
- The Victims of Abuse
- Possible Indicators of Child Abuse
- Evaluating Suspected Cases of Child Abuse
- Managing Suspected Cases of Child Abuse
- Understanding the Legal Requirements
- Conclusion
- Part 2. Caries and Periodontology
- 8. Mechanical and Chemotherapeutic Home Oral Hygiene
- Microbial Aspects of Oral Hygiene and Plaque Formation
- Mechanical Methods of Plaque Control
- Chemotherapeutic Plaque Control
- Age-Specific Home Oral Hygiene Instructions
- 9. Nutritional Considerations for the Pediatric Dental Patient
- MyPlate Food Guidance System
- Dietary Intake Patterns
- Malnutrition and Food Insecurity
- Pediatric Undernutrition
- Pediatric Overnutrition
- Feeding and Eating Disorders
- Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Q & A Concerning Pediatric Nutrition Issues
- 10. Dental Caries in the Child and Adolescent
- Dentist’s Role in Caries Risk Assessment and Management
- Etiology of Dental Caries
- Early Childhood Caries, Severe Early Childhood Caries, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
- Additional Factors Known to Influence Dental Caries
- Early Detection of Disease Activity
- Prediction of Patients’ Risk for Future Disease (Risk Assessment)
- Care Pathways for Caries Management
- Other Preventive Therapies
- Diagnostic Tools
- Conclusion
- 11. Pit-and-Fissure Sealants and Preventive Resin Restorations
- Clinical Trials
- Rationale for Use of Sealants
- Selection of Teeth for Sealing
- Sealant Technique
- Preventive Resin Restoration (Sealed Composite Resin Restoration)
- 12. Restorative Dentistry
- Introduction
- Status of Common Restorative Materials
- Maintenance of a Clean Field
- Isolite System
- Morphologic Considerations
- Basic Principles in Cavity Preparation in Primary Teeth
- Cavity Preparation in Primary Teeth
- Restoration of Proximal Incisal Caries in Primary Anterior Teeth
- Preparation of Cavities in Young Permanent Teeth
- Stainless-Steel Crowns for Posterior Teeth
- Cosmetic Zirconia Crowns (Video 12.6)
- Alternative Restorative Treatment
- Cosmetic Restorative Procedures for Young Permanent Anterior Teeth
- Controversies in Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
- Bleaching and Microabrasion
- 13. Dental Materials
- Regulatory Considerations
- The Tooth-Restoration Interface
- Treatment of the Cavity Preparation
- Temporary and Permanent Restorations
- Restorative Resins
- Amalgam
- Ceramics
- Other Aesthetic Alternatives/Fiberglass-Reinforced Resin
- Cements
- Bioactive Dental Materials
- 14. Treatment of Deep Caries, Vital Pulp Exposure, and Nonvital Teeth
- Diagnostic Aids in the Selection of Teeth for Vital Pulp Therapy
- Evaluation of Treatment Prognosis Before Pulp Therapy
- Vital Pulp Therapy Techniques
- Treatment of the Deep Caries Lesion
- Vital Pulp Exposure
- Nonvital Pulp Treatment With Irreversible Pulpitis or Necrotic Pulp
- Summary of Pulp Therapy
- Restoration of the Pulpally Involved Tooth
- Reaction of the Pulp to Various Capping Materials and Use of Dental Stem Cells
- Failures After Vital Pulp Therapy
- Early Exfoliation or Over Retention of Primary Teeth With Pulp Treatments
- 15. Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
- Current Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions
- Eruption Gingivitis
- Dental Biofilm-Induced Gingivitis—Gingivitis Caused by Biofilm (Bacteria)
- Allergy and Gingival Inflammation
- Acute Gingival Disease
- Chronic Nonspecific Gingivitis
- Chlorhexidine as a Therapeutic Plaque Control Agent
- Gingival Diseases Modified by Systemic Factors
- Periodontal Diseases in Children
- Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease
- Clinical Assessment of Oral Cleanliness and Periodontal Disease
- Extrinsic Stains and Deposits on Teeth
- Calculus
- Part 3. Pain Control and Behavior Guidance
- 16. Local Anesthesia and Pain Control for the Child and Adolescent
- Topical Anesthetics
- Jet Injection
- Local Anesthesia by Conventional Injection
- Anesthetization of Mandibular Teeth and Soft Tissue
- Anesthetization of Maxillary Primary and Permanent Incisors and Canines
- Anesthetization of Maxillary Primary Molars and Premolars
- Anesthetization of Maxillary Permanent Molars
- Anesthetization of the Palatal Tissues
- Supplemental Injection Techniques
- Complications After a Local Anesthetic
- Reversal of Dental Anesthesia
- Analgesics
- 17. Nonpharmacologic Management of Children’s Behaviors
- Pediatric Dental Patients
- Parents of Pediatric Patients
- Strategies of the Dental Team
- 18. Pharmacologic Management of Patient Behavior
- Definition of Terms
- Fundamental Concepts
- Nitrous Oxide Administration
- Enteral Sedation Technique
- Combinations of Methods and Agents
- Facilities and Equipment
- Documentation
- Patient Selection and Preparation
- Preoperative Evaluation
- Monitoring
- Concluding Thoughts
- 19. Hospital Dental Services for Children and the Use of General Anesthesia
- Obtaining Hospital Staff Privileges
- Indications for General Anesthesia in the Treatment of Children
- Psychological Effects of Hospitalization on Children
- Outpatient Versus Inpatient Surgery
- Medical History and Physical Examination
- Admission to the Hospital
- Operating Room Protocol
- Inhaled General Anesthesia and Conduct of Anesthesia
- Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Agents in Young Children
- Anesthetic Preparation of the Child
- Perioral Cleaning, Draping, and Placement of Pharyngeal Throat Pack
- Restorative Dentistry in the Operating Room
- Completion of the Procedure
- Postanesthesia Care Unit
- Postoperative Care
- Part 4. Growth and Development
- 20. Eruption of the Teeth: Local, Systemic, and Congenital Factors that Influence the Process
- Chronologic Development and Eruption of the Teeth
- Lingual Eruption of Mandibular Permanent Incisors
- Teething and Difficult Eruption
- Natal and Neonatal Teeth
- Epstein Pearls, Bohn Nodules, and Dental Lamina Cysts
- Local and System Factors that Influence Eruption
- 21. Growth of the Face and Dental Arches
- The Nature of Growth
- Craniofacial Pattern
- Growth and Facial Pattern
- Growth and Pattern of Occlusion
- Growth and Dental Arch Pattern
- Summary
- 22. Cephalometrics and Facial Aesthetics: The Key to Complete Treatment Planning
- Radiographic Technique
- Cephalometric Tracing Technique
- Reference Points for Lateral Tracing
- Reference Lines, Angles, and Planes
- Interpretation of Measurements
- Lateral Cephalometric Assessment
- Frontal (Posteroanterior) Cephalometric Assesment
- Directions of Growth
- Computerized Cephalometric Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- Anteroposterior Interarch Discrepancies
- Facial Types
- Vertical Arch Discrepancies
- Angle Classification of Occlusion
- Evaluation of Facial Aesthetics
- 23. Managing the Developing Occlusion
- Development of Occlusion and Timing of Interventions
- Early Loss of Teeth and Space Maintenance
- Oral Habits in Children
- Anterior Crossbite in Primary and Mixed Dentitions
- Posterior Crossbite in Primary and Mixed Dentitions
- Eruption Problems and Eruption “Guidance”
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Orthodontics
- Comprehensive Orthodontics for the Developing Occlusion
- 24. Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Cleft Lip and Palate Management
- Classification of Cleft Lip and Palate
- Multidisciplinary Cleft Lip and Palate Team
- General Responsibilities of Team Members
- Multidisciplinary Sequencing of Treatment in Clefts
- 25. Prosthodontic Treatment of the Adolescent Patient
- Restoration of Single Malformed, Discolored, or Fractured Teeth
- Fixed Partial Dentures
- Removable Partial Dentures
- Overdentures
- Implant Prostheses
- Recare Program
- Protective Mouthguards
- Part 5. Management of Special Medical Issues and Practice Management
- 26. Dental Problems of Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Dental Access
- First Dental Visit
- Radiographic Examination
- Preventive Dentistry
- Management of a Child With Special Health Care Needs During Dental Treatment
- Intellectual Disability
- Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21 Syndrome)
- Learning Disabilities
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Spina Bifida
- Respiratory Diseases
- Hearing Loss
- Visual Impairment
- Heart Disease
- 27. Management of the Medically Compromised Patient: Hematologic Disorders, Cancer, Hepatitis, and AIDS
- Congenital Bleeding Disorders
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Childhood Cancers
- Viral Hepatitis
- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- 28. Management of Trauma to the Teeth and Supporting Tissues
- History and Examination
- Emergency Treatment of Soft Tissue Injury
- Emergency Treatment and Temporary Restoration of Fractured Teeth Without Pulp Exposure
- Treatment of Vital Pulp Exposures
- Therapy to Stimulate Root Growth and Apical Repair in Immature Teeth With Pulpal Necrosis
- Reaction of the Tooth to Trauma
- Restoration of Fractured Teeth
- Reaction of Permanent Tooth Buds to Injury
- Displacement of Primary and Permanent Anterior Teeth (Luxation)
- Management of Oral Burns
- Trauma Prevention
- 29. Oral Surgery for the Pediatric Patient
- Simple Exodontia
- Impacted Teeth
- Associated Hard Tissue Lesions
- Soft Tissue Procedures
- Infection of the Head and Neck Region
- Summary
- 30. Pediatric Oral Health and Dental Care: From Demography to Advocacy
- Children in the United States
- Pediatric Oral Disease Characteristics
- Pediatric Dental Care
- Advocacy Action in Support of Pediatric Oral Health
- 31. Practice Management
- The Five Parts of a Successful Dental Practice
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