Medical Sciences – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780702073380,9780702073397,0702073385,0702073393
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0702073377
- ISBN-13 : 978-0702073373
- Author:
Medical Sciences was the first fully integrated textbook designed to bridge the gaps between school-level biosciences and the early years of medical school, and to demonstrate through context the relevance of the medical sciences to clinical practice. Building on the great success of the first two editions, this fully updated and augmented market-leading title is now in its third edition. Register your StudentConsult PIN for access to the e-book and its new contents.
- Clear, integrated approach to contextualising the medical sciences in their clinical application.
- Highly illustrated.
- Accessible, readable writing.
- e-only chapters which animate difficult concepts
- The physiology of psychological disorders.
Table contents:
Introduction and homeostasis
Biochemistry and cell biology
Energy Metabolism
Genetics and genomics
Pathology and Immunology
The nervous system
Bones, muscle and skin
Endocrinology and the reproductive system
The cardiovascular system
The respiratory system
The renal system
The alimentary system
Diet and nutrition
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