Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings 1st Edition César E. Giraldo Herrera – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783319713175,3319713175, 9783319713182, 3319713183
Product details:
• ISBN 10:3319713183
• ISBN 13: 9783319713182
• Author:
Shamanism is commonly understood through reference to spirits and souls. However, these terms were introduced by Christian missionaries as part of the colonial effort of conversion. So, rather than trying to comprehend shamanism through medieval European concepts, this book examines it through ideas that started developing in the West after encountering Amerindian shamans. Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings develops three major arguments: First, since their earliest accounts Amerindian shamanic notions have had more in common with current microbial ecology than with Christian religious beliefs. Second, the human senses allow the unaided perception of the microbial world; for example, entoptic vision allows one to see microscopic objects flowing through the retina and shamans employ techniques that enhance precisely these kinds of perception.
Table contents:
1. Colonized Selves, Decolonizing Ontologies
2. (Mis)Understanding Shamanism and Animism
3. First Contacts with Amerindian Shamans and Their ‘Spirits’
4. Syncretic Ontologies of the Microbial-Shamanic Beings
5. Shamanic Epistemologies
6. Neuropsychological Naturalistic Explanations of Shamanic Visions
7. The Cavern of the Eye: Seeing Through the Retina
8. Entoptic Microscopy
9. French Malaise in the Taino Myths of Origin
10. The Spotted Sun and the Blemished Moon, Nahuatl Views on Treponematoses
11. The West, Syphilis, and the Other Treponematoses
12. Threading Worlds Together
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