Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present 1st edition by June Teufel Dreyer – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0190603593 9780190603595
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0190603593
ISBN-13 : 9780190603595
Author : June Teufel Dreyer
Japan and China have been rivals for more than a millennium. In more recent times, China was the more powerful until the late nineteenth century, while Japan took the upper hand in the twentieth. Now, China’s resurgence has emboldened it even as Japan perceives itself falling behind, exacerbating long-standing historical frictions. June Teufel Dreyer’s Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun provides a highly accessible overview of one of the world’s great civilizational rivalries that ranges from the seventh century to the present. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, the shrinking distances afforded by advances in technology and the intrusion of Western powers brought the two into closer proximity in ways that alternately united and divided them. In the aftermath of multiple wars between them, including a long and brutal conflict in World War II, Japan developed into an economic power but rejected militarism. China’s journey toward modernization was hindered by ideological and leadership struggles that lasted until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976. The final part focuses on the issues that dominate China and Japan’s current relationship: economic rivalry, memories of World War II, resurgent nationalism, military tensions, Taiwan, the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, and globalization. Dreyer argues that recent disputes should be seen as manifestations of embedded rivalries rather than as issues whose resolution would provide a lasting solution to deep-standing disputes. For the paperback edition, she has added a new afterword that takes readers up to the present day.
Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present 1st Table of contents:
1. Getting to the Present
The Establishment of the Chinese World Order
The Establishment of the Japanese State
Early Sino-Japanese Contacts
China Gains Influence over Japan
The Taika Reforms
Eighth-Century Reforms
Nativist Elements Return
Not Quite Separate, Whether or Not Equal
The Ming, the Fall of the Ashikaga, and the Reunification of Japan
Sino-Japanese Relations in the Early Tokugawa Era
The Sakoku Period
Arai Hakuseki’s Proposed Reforms
Fall of the Ming Dynasty
2. China, Japan, and the Coming of the West, 1835–1945
The West Intrudes
The Macartney Mission
The Opium War and the Unequal Treaties
The Tongzhi Restoration, 1862–1874
Matthew Perry Arrives in Japan
The Meiji Restoration, 1868–1912
Sino-Japanese Relations During the Restorations
Sino-Japanese Tensions Build
Japan Ponders Its Relationship with China and Korea
The Sino-Japanese War, 1894–1895
The Effect of Defeat on China
Sino-Japanese Relations after the 1895 War
Sino-Japanese Diplomacy, 1898–1911
The Russo-Japanese War
A New Balance of Power
The Siberian Intervention
Shidehara Diplomacy
Sino-Japanese Relations in the Post-Sun Yat-sen Era
The Mukden Incident
Expansion in North China
A Chinese Communist-KMT Alliance against Japan
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident, 1937
Wang Jingwei
The Second Sino-Japanese War
The Chinese Civil War
3. Wary Engagement, 1945–1969
Finding a Place in the Post-War Balance of Power
The New Japanese Government Regards China
The New Chinese Government Regards Japan
Negotiations for a Post-World War II Settlement
Sino-Japanese Relations during the Korean War
The Bandung Era
The Nuclear Issue
Resurgence on the Left
Irritants Continue
The Communist Monolith Splinters
The French Connection
Intra-Left Disputes
China Becomes a Nuclear Power
Satō Takes the Helm
Chinese Foreign Relations during the Cultural Revolution
The LDP Reassesses Its China Policy
U.S. Concerns
4. The Tortuous Path to Normalization, 1969–1972
Satō Tries to Engage China
The Soviet Connection
Chinese Reaction
The Okinawa Reversion Agreement
Business as Usual
Denouement of the Normalization Issue
5. The Golden Age of Sino-Japanese Relations, 1972–1989
Negotiating the Details
The Peace and Friendship Treaty
Friendship and Friction
The Euphoria Ends
The Diaoyu/Senkaku Issue and the Yasukuni Shrine
Great Power Politics
The Textbook Issue
Strains Accumulate
Hu Yaobang Reestablishes Amicable Relations
The Kokaryo/Guanghua Dormitory Case
The Demise of Hu Yaobang
Insensitive Remarks by Japanese Officials
The Tiananmen Demonstrations and Sino-Japanese Relations
Aftermath of the Tiananmen Demonstrations
6. Tarnished Gold, 1990–2006
Returning to the Status Quo Ante
Familiar Tensions Return
Maritime Issues
The Asian Currency Crisis
Jiang Zemin Visits Japan
Trade Difficulties
The Koizumi Era
Mutual Distrust Grows
Voices of Moderation in China
New Frictions Are Added to Old Irritants
The Japanese View
Anti-Japanese Riots in China
Rivalry for Energy Resources
7. Contradictions Deepen, 2006–2015
Efforts to Mend Bilateral Relations
Fukuda Takes the Helm
Asō as Prime Minister
The Diaoyu/Senkaku Issue Redux
Japan’s Triple Disaster and New Pressures from China
The Islands Controversy Intensifies
Chinese Domestic Factors
Abe Returns to the Prime Ministership
Efforts to Manage Tensions
Part Two
8. Economic Rivalry
Economic Relations before Normalization
Economic Consequences of Normalization
Japanese Concerns Grow: Rivalry Rekindled
Trade Imbalances
Japan as Number One
Effect of the Tiananmen Incident
The Chinese Economy Recovers
And the Japanese Economy Falters
The Search for an Explanation
Official Development Assistance to China Is Terminated
Koizumi’s Attempts at Restructuring Fall Short
Current Economic Relations
9. Mutual Military Apprehensions
The Demilitarization of Japan
The Korean War
China Rearms … and Regresses
Cautious Security Steps in Japan
The Sword Reemerges in Japan
China Complains
Tiananmen Square Incident and Its Aftermath
Effect of the Gulf War
North Korean Missile Tests
Crisis in the Taiwan Strait
New Japanese Defense Legislation
The North Korean Military Issue Resurfaces
Dueling Defense White Papers
New Powers for the SDF
Effect of the War Against Terrorism
The Third National Defense Program Outline
Beijing Responds
Abe’s Defense Program
The Debate on Amending the Constitution
The Nuclear Debate Rekindled
10. Taiwan between Two Powers
Multicultural Influences and the Qing/Manchu Annexation
Taiwan under Japanese Rule
The Kuomintang Assumes Control
The De-Recognition of the ROC and Sino-Japanese Relations
Restoration of Japanese Influence in Taiwan
Taiwan Politics Poised between China and Japan
Part Three
11. Conclusions
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