Modern Permanent Magnets 1st Edition by John J. Croat, John Ormerod – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0323886582, 978-0323886581
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0323886582
ISBN-13 : 978-0323886581
Author : John J. Croat, John Ormerod
Modern Permanent Magnets provides an update on the status and recent technical developments that have occurred in the various families of permanent magnets produced today. The book gives an overview of the key advances of permanent magnet materials that have occurred in the last twenty years. Sections cover the history of permanent magnets, their fundamental properties, an overview of the important families of permanent magnets, coatings used to protect permanent magnets and the various tests used to confirm specifications are discussed. Finally, the major applications for each family of permanent magnets and the size of the market is provided.
Modern Permanent Magnets 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1 The history of permanent magnets
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lodestones: the first permanent magnets
1.3 Early permanent magnet studies
1.4 The era of steel permanent magnets
1.5 The discovery of alnico permanent magnets
1.6 The discovery of hard ferrite magnets
1.7 The discovery of Sm-Co permanent magnets
1.8 The discovery of NdFeB permanent magnets
1.9 The discovery of Sm-Fe-N permanent magnets
1.10 Future permanent magnet materials
1.11 Summary
Chapter 2 Fundamental properties of permanent magnets
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The different families and types of permanent magnets
2.3 Key magnetic parameters
2.4 On the origin of magnetism
2.5 The different types of magnetism
2.6 The origin of anisotropy in permanent magnets
2.7 Magnetic domains and domain walls
2.8 Magnetic hysteresis
2.9 Coercivity mechanism in modern permanent magnets
2.10 Stability of permanent magnets
Chapter 3 Recent advances in hard ferrite magnets
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Historical overview of M-type Sr- and Ba- Hexaferrites
3.3 Crystal structure, intrinsic magnetic properties, microstructure and morphology
3.4 Advances towards the improvement of intrinsic magnetic properties
3.5 Industrial fabrication routes
3.6 Recycling efforts, recovery, and reusability in production line
3.7 Applications of hexaferrites: present and perspectives
Chapter 4 Modern Sm-Co permanent magnets
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Manufacturing process of Sm-Co magnets
4.3 High (BH)max Sm2Co17 type permanent magnets
4.4 Temperature compensated Sm-Co magnets
4.5 Ultra-high temperature Sm-Co magnets with small reversible temperature coefficient of Br
4.6 Performance of Sm-Co magnets in special environments
4.7 Laminated Sm-Co magnets
4.8 Additive manufacturing
4.9 Small magnets
4.10 Sm-Co nanoparticles and nanoflakes for nanocomposite magnets
4.11 Summary
Chapter 5 The status of sintered NdFeB magnets
5.1 Introduction
5.2 History of the development of Nd-Fe-B
5.3 Compositions of the NdFeB sintered magnets and their magnetic properties
5.4 Production process for sintered NdFeB magnets
5.5 Progress in the microstructure investigation
5.6 Development of HRE-Free and reduced HRE magnets
5.7 Ultimate NdFeB sintered magnets for EV traction motors
Chapter 6 Compression bonded NdFeB permanent magnets
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The compression molding process
6.3 Isotropic compression bonded NdFeB permanent magnets
6.4 Anisotropic hot deformed NdFeB compression bonded magnets
6.5 Compression molded HDDR permanent magnets
Chapter 7 Injection molded permanent magnets
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Overview of applications, basic parameters and materials
7.3 Manufacturing
7.4 Polarization patterns
7.5 Design of in-mold magnetized magnets
7.6 Design of pulse magnetized magnets
7.7 Applications – Sensors
7.8 Applications – Electrical machines
7.9 Summary
Chapter 8 Hot formed NdFeB magnets
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Development of hot-formed Nd-Fe-B magnets
8.3 Characteristics of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets
8.4 Fundamental research
8.5 Applications
8.6 Future outlook
8.7 Concluding remarks
Chapter 09 Bonded Sm-Fe-N permanent magnets
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Interstitial modification
9.3 Basic characteristics of Sm-Fe-N compounds
9.4 Magnet processing
9.5 Applications
9.6 Conclusion
Chapter 10 Critical materials for permanent magnets
10.1 Introduction
10.2 What is a critical material?
10.3 Critical materials in permanent magnets
10.4 Effects of criticality on technology evolution, and vice versa
10.5 Source diversification
10.6 Substitution
10.7 Summary
Chapter 11 Permanent magnet coatings and testing procedures
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Magnet characteristics relevant to coating
11.3 Coating permanent magnets
11.4 Coating test and evaluation
11.5 Summary
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Modern Permanent,Magnets,John Croat,John Ormerod