Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers X86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 3rd Edition by Daniel Kusswurm – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1484296036, 9781484296035
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1484296036
ISBN-13 : 9781484296035
Author : Daniel Kusswurm
This book is an instructional text that will teach you how to code x86-64 assembly language functions. It also explains how you can exploit the SIMD capabilities of an x86-64 processor using x86-64 assembly language and the AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 instruction sets. This updated edition’s content and organization are designed to help you quickly understand x86-64 assembly language programming and the unique computational capabilities of x86 processors. The source code is structured to accelerate learning and comprehension of essential x86-64 assembly language programming constructs and data structures. Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming, Third Edition includes source code for both Windows and Linux. The source code elucidates current x86-64 assembly language programming practices, run-time calling conventions, and the latest generation of software development tools.
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers X86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 3rd Table of contents:
1. X86-64 Core Architecture
2. X86-64 Core Programming – Part 1
3. X86-64 Core Programming – Part 2
4. X86-64 Core Programming – Part 3
5. AVX Programming – Scalar Floating-Point
6. Run-Time Calling Conventions
7. Introduction to X86-AVX SIMD Programming
8. AVX Programming – Packed Integers
9. AVX Programming – Packed Floating-Point
10. AVX2 Programming – Packed Integers
11. AVX2 Programming – Packed Floating-Point – Part 1
12. AVX2 Programming – Packed Floating-Point – Part 2
13. AVX-512 Programming – Packed Integers
14. AVX-512 Programming – Packed Floating-Point – Part 1
15. AVX-512 Programming – Packed Floating-Point – Part 2
16. Advanced Assembly Language Programming
17. Assembly Language Optimization and Development Guidelines
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