Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women 1st Edition by Lily George, Adele N. Norris, Antje Deckert – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3030445674, 9783030445676
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3030445674
ISBN-13 : 9783030445676
Author: Lily George, Adele N. Norris, Antje Deckert
This book closes a gap in decolonizing intersectional and comparative research by addressing issues around the mass incarceration of Indigenous women in the US, Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand. This edited collection seeks to add to the criminological discourse by increasing public awareness of the social problem of disproportionate incarceration rates. It illuminates how settler-colonial societies continue to deny many Indigenous peoples the life relatively free from state interference which most citizens enjoy.
Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Stigmatising Gang Narratives, Housing, and the Social Policing of Māori Women
3. The Relationship Between Restorative Justice and Prison Abolition
4. Colonial Policies and Indigenous Women in Canada
5. The Mass Incarceration of Indigenous Women in Canada: A Colonial Tactic of Control and Assimilation
6. Transcending Colonial Legacies: From Criminal Justice to Indigenous Women’s Healing
7. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Australian Prisons
8. Mana Wahine Leadership After Prison
9. What Was My Crime? Being an American Indian Woman
10. Trauma, Healing, and Justice: Native Hawaiian Women in Hawaii’s Criminal Justice System
11. Prison as Destiny? Descent or Dissent?
12. Te Piringa Poho: Healing, Potential and Transformation for Māori Women
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Neo Colonial,Injustice,the Mass Imprisonment,Indigenous Women,Lily George,Adele Norris,Antje Deckert