New Polymer Nanocomposites for Environmental Remediation 1st Edition by Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128110341, 9780128110348
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128110341
ISBN-13 : 9780128110348
Author : Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain
New Polymer Nanocomposites for Environmental Remediation summarizes recent progress in the development of materials’ properties, fabrication methods and their applications for treatment of contaminants, pollutant sensing and detection. This book presents current research into how polymer nanocomposites can be used in environmental remediation, detailing major environmental issues, and key materials properties and existing polymers or nanomaterials that can solve these issues. The book covers the fundamental molecular structure of polymers used in environmental applications, the toxicology, economy and life-cycle analysis of polymer nanocomposites, and an analysis of potential future applications of these materials.
New Polymer Nanocomposites for Environmental Remediation 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction
2 Polymer composites
3 Polymer nanocomposites (PNCs)
4 Conclusions
5 Websites of interest
6 List of famous research journals for PNCs
1: Methods for preparation of nanocomposites in environmental remediation
1 Introduction
2 Nanomaterials and polymers used in polymer nanocomposites for environmental remediation
3 Methods for preparation of nanocomposites
4 New polymer nanocomposites for environmental remediation: Recent applications and studies
5 Conclusion
2: Recent advances and perspectives in polymer-based nanomaterials for Cr(VI) removal
1 Introduction
2 Nanocomposites’ classifications
3 Polymer nanocomposites
4 Preparative methods for polymer nanocomposites
5 Polymer nanocomposites and hybrids
6 Water pollution
7 Remediation of chromium from aqueous media
8 Conclusions
3: Environmental application and design of alginate/graphene double-network nanocomposite beads
1 Introduction
2 Experiment
3 Characterization and synthesization of adsorbent
4 Adsorption properties
5 Summary and outlook
4: Major environmental issues and new materials
1 Introduction
2 Environment and environmental impact
3 Environmental issues
5: Carbon-supported photocatalysts for organic dye photodegradation
1 Introduction
2 Carbonaceous materials as photocatalyst supports
3 Techniques used for the synthesis and coupling of carbon-supported photocatalysts applied in the photodegradation of organic dyes
4 Carbon-supported photocatalysts: Applications for organic dye (contaminants—priority pollutants degradation)
5 Conclusion and future outlook
6: Modeling of capillary-driven flow in nanoporous media
1 Introduction to capillarity in nanoporous media
2 Analytical models for capillary rise in a capillary tube
3 Modeling of capillary-driven flow in nanoporous media
4 Optimizing analysis
5 Conclusions
7: Modeling for mass transport of porous nanofibers using a fractal approach
1 Fractal characteristics of micropores in porous nanofibers
2 Fractal model for hydraulic permeability and Kozeny-Carman (KC) constant of porous nanofibers
3 Developing a novel form of gas diffusion through fractal nanofibers
8: Microscale flow and separation process analysis in the nanoporous crystal layer
1 Introduction
2 Fractal porous media (FPM) theory and the model development
3 Structure and basic property analysis of the porous crystal layer
4 Separation process analysis of the porous crystal layer
5 Conclusions and perspectives
9: First-principles computational analysis of nanocomposite for detecting environmental polluting gas
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Substitutional doping to graphene layers
4 Gas adsorption property to graphene layers
5 Conclusion
10: Environmental remediation by nanoadsorbents-based polymer nanocomposite
1 Introduction
2 Classification of polymer-nanocomposites
3 Methods of preparation of polymer nanocomposites
4 Applications of the different nano-adsorbent-based polymeric nanocomposites
5 Nanocomposites: Future trends
6 Conclusion
11: Nanoadsorbents-based polymer nanocomposite for environmental remediation
1 Introduction
2 Adsorption
3 Different types of nanoadsorbent-based polymer composites
4 Conclusions
12: Biodegradable polymer-based nanoadsorbents for environmental remediation
1 Introduction
2 Biodegradable polymers
3 Porous resins
4 Alginate
5 Chitosan-based adsorbent in heavy metal detoxification
6 Polyaniline
7 Cellulose polymer in remediation
13: Dendritic polymers for environmental remediation
1 Introduction
2 Dendrimers for inorganic waste removal
3 Dendrimers for organic waste removal
4 Electrochemical detection and treatment of toxic pollutants in wastewater using dendrimer-modified electrodes
5 Conclusion
14: Microwave-assisted synthesis of high-performance polymer-based nanoadsorbents for pollution control
1 Introduction
2 Nanomaterials in wastewater treatment
3 Microwave-assisted synthesis and characterization of polymer-based nanoadsorbents
4 Polymer-based nanoadsorbents (PBN) for pollution control
5 Cost-benefit evaluation
6 Conclusion, prospects, and recommendations
15: Polymer-coated plasmonic nanoparticles for environmental remediation: Synthesis, functionalization, and properties
1 Introduction
2 Engineered polymer-coated plasmonic nanoparticles for environmental remediation
3 Conclusions and outlook
16: Aerogels as promising materials for environmental remediation—A broad insight into the environmental pollutants removal through adsorption and (photo)catalytic processes
1 Introduction
2 Synthesis
3 Aerogel applications in air cleaning
4 Aerogel applications for water treatment
5 Catalytic and photocatalytic applications of aerogels for environmental depollution
6 Conclusions and outlook
17: The role of polymer nanocomposite-based membranes for environmental remediation
1 Introduction
2 Current state of the art
3 Conventional composite membranes
4 Natural nanocomposite membranes
5 Types of natural composite membranes
6 Functions of composite membranes
7 Cellulose-based composite membranes
8 Chitosan-based nanocomposite membranes
9 Natural rubber
10 Future perspectives
11 Conclusion
18: Polymer membranes reinforced with carbon-based nanomaterials for water purification
1 Introduction
2 Carbon-based nanomaterials and their general characteristics
3 Polymer membranes reinforced with carbon-based nanomaterials for water purification
4 Conclusions
19: Nanocellulose: Extraction and application as a sustainable material for wastewater purification
1 Introduction
2 Extraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs)
3 Relevance of cellulosic nanomaterials in wastewater treatment
4 Nanocellulose as a promising adsorbent for toxic textile dyes
5 Cellulose nanomaterials for heavy metal adsorption
6 Nanocellulose for oil absorption
7 Nanocellulose-based membranes for bacteria and virus removal
8 Conclusions
20: Nanobiomaterials for removal of fluoride and chlorophenols from water
1 Introduction
2 Toxicity of fluoride
3 Toxicity of chlorophenol
4 Promising nanobiomaterials
5 Fluoride removal
6 Chlorophenol removal
7 Summary
21: Recent advances in the application of polymer-based nanocomposites for removal of hazardous substances from water and wastewater
1 Introduction
2 Fabrication of polymer nanocomposites
3 Environmental application
4 Equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamic studies
5 Conclusion
22: Irrigation water desalination using PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) coated n-Fe0 (ZVI, zero valent iron)
1 Introduction
2 Rate constant
3 Dubinin-Astakhov adsorption-desorption catalytic model
4 Biofilms: Increasing Vo (Eqs. 3, 4) using biota
5 Agglomeration of n-ZVI
6 Bacteria associated with desalination
7 Increasing the desalination rate constant, ko, by decreasing β1Eo, and increasing as + Ko
8 Spherical ZVI polymer aggregates
9 [FexOy(OH)z(H2O)r]n polymeric Janus particles, decreasing β1Eo
10 Sequestered desalination product
11 Desalination model
12 Assessing the reactor size required to supply irrigation water
13 Desalination rate constant and the feed water salinity
14 Integration of desalination with existing Fe0 catalytic theory
15 Preferential removal of Na+ or Cl− ions
16 Conclusions
Appendix A Bacteria
Appendix B Halite morphology associated with ZVI desalination
23: Controlled-release oxygen nanocomposite for bioremediation of benzene contaminated groundwater
1 Introduction
2 Petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater
3 Groundwater remediation technologies
4 Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs)
5 Oxygen releasing compounds (ORCs)
6 Encapsulation of ORCs
7 Efficiency test of ORPNCs
8 Conclusion
24: Environmentally friendly stabilized nZVI-composite for removal of heavy metals
1 Introduction
2 Methods for removal of heavy metals
3 Application of nanotechnology
4 Synthesis of nZVI
5 Characterization
6 The mechanism of heavy metal removal using nZVI
7 Effect of the main parameters on Cr(VI) and Hg(II) removal
8 Conclusion
25: Silica-based organic nanocomposite for prevention of hazardous gas seeping into buildings through construction materials
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
3 Results and discussion
4 Conclusion
26: Toxicology and environmental fate of polymer nanocomposites
1 Introduction
2 Characterizations and quantification techniques
3 Release pathways of carbon nanocomposites into the natural environment
4 Environmental transport
5 Transformations in the environment
6 Ecotoxicity of carbon nanotubes
7 Conclusions
27: Polymer nanocomposites and related legal issues: An overview
1 Introduction
2 Polymer nanocomposites: An overview
3 Occupational health and safety
4 Consumer protection
5 Product liability
6 Environmental issues and the application of the precautionary principle
7 Conclusion
28: Bionanocomposites: Green materials for a sustainable future
1 Introduction
2 Applications of bionanocomposites
3 Conclusion
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New Polymer,Nanocomposites,Environmental Remediation,Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain