New Speakers of Minority Languages Linguistic Ideologies and Practices 1st edition by Palgrave Macmillan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781137575586, 1137575581
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1137575581
• ISBN 13:9781137575586
• Author:Palgrave Macmillan
New Speakers of Minority Languages
Linguistic Ideologies and Practices
This book represents the first collection specifically devoted to New Speaker Studies, focusing on language ideologies and practices of speakers in a variety of minority language communities. Over thirteen chapters, it uses the new speaker lens to investigate not only linguistic issues, such as language variation and change, phonetics, morphosyntax, language acquisition, code-switching, but also sociolinguistic issues, such as legitimacy, integration, and motivation in language learning and use. Besides covering a range of languages – Basque, Breton, Galician, Giernesiei, Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh – and their different sociolinguistic situations, the chapters also encompass a series of interactional settings: institutional settings, media and the home domain, as well as different contexts for becoming a new speaker of a minority language, such as by migration or through education. This collection represents an output by a lively network of researchers: it will appeal to postgraduate students, researchers and academics working in the field of sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, language policy and those working within minority language communities.
New Speakers of Minority Languages Linguistic Ideologies and Practices 1st Table of contents:
1. New Speakers, Familiar Concepts?
2. New Gaelic Speakers, New Gaels? Ideologies and Ethnolinguistic Continuity in Contemporary Scotland
3. ‘We’re Not Fully Welsh’: Hierarchies of Belonging and ‘New’ Speakers of Welsh
4. ‘We Don’t Say It Like That’: Language Ownership and (De)Legitimising the New Speaker
5. Identities and New Speakers of Minority Languages: A Focus on Galician
6. Double New Speakers? Language Ideologies of Immigrant Students in Galicia
7. Land, Language and Migration: World War II Evacuees as New Speakers of Scottish Gaelic
8. The Ideological Construction of Boundaries Between Speakers, and Their Varieties
9. New Basques and Code-Switching: Purist Tendencies, Social Pressures
10. New Speakers and Language in the Media: Audience Design in Breton and Irish Broadcast Media
11. Linguistic Innovation Among Glasgow Gaelic New Speakers
12. Verbal Lenition Among Young Speakers of Breton: Acquisition and Maintenance
13. New Speakers, Potential New Speakers, and Their Experiences and Abilities in Scottish Gaelic
14. New Speakers and Linguistic Practices: Contexts, Definitions, and Issues
15. Reflections on New Speaker Research and Future Trajectories
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New Speakers,Minority Languages,Palgrave Macmillan