Optical Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy 1st edition by Hebin Li, Bachana Lomsadze, Galan Moody, Christopher Smallwood, Steven Cundiff – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192657623, 9780192657626
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192657623
ISBN-13 : 9780192657626
Author: Hebin Li, Bachana Lomsadze, Galan Moody, Christopher Smallwood, Steven Cundiff
This book provides an introduction to optical multidimensional coherent spectroscopy, a relatively new method of studying materials based on using ultrashort light pulses to perform spectroscopy. The technique has been developed and perfected over the last 25 years, resulting in multiple experimental approaches and applications to a broad array of systems ranging from atoms and molecules to solids and biological systems. Indeed, while this method is most often used by physical chemists, it is also relevant to materials of interest to physicists, which is the primary focus of this book. As well as an introduction to the method, the book also provides tutorials on the interpretation of the rather complex spectra that is broadly applicable across all subfields, and finishes with a survey of several emerging material systems and a discussion of future directions.
Optical Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy 1st Table of contents:
- Basics of ultrafast spectroscopy
- Basics of spectroscopy: linear versus nonlinear
- Ultrashort pulses
- Ultrafast nonlinear/coherent spectroscopy
- The density matrix
- Bloch sphere representation of quantum states
- Introduction to multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Concepts of multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Coherent spectroscopy
- Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Spectrum classification
- Density matrix formalism and double-sided Feynman diagrams
- Interpreting MDCS in the perturbative limit
- Double-sided Feynman diagrams
- Measured observables
- Putting it all together
- Case study: Two-level system
- Phase matching
- Two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy
- Interpretation of multidimensional coherent spectra
- Isolated two-level system
- Inhomogeneously broadened ensemble of two-level systems
- Gaussian inhomogeneity, constant homogeneous linewidth
- Large inhomogeneity
- Coherent coupling signatures
- Incoherent coupling signatures
- Doubly excited states and many-body interactions
- Double-quantum spectra
- Zero-quantum spectra
- Three-dimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Nonrephasing pathways and purely absorptive spectra
- Finite-pulse effects
- Mathematical formulations
- Example spectra
- Further applications
- Experimental implementations
- Experimental requirements and considerations
- Precision and stability of time delays
- Isolation of the signal
- Detection of the signal
- Overview of experimental approaches
- Actively stabilized box geometry
- Phase modulated collinear geometry
- Comparison of different approaches
- Data analysis
- Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of atomic ensembles
- Single- and zero-quantum 2D spectra of atomic vapors
- MDCS in optically thick samples
- Probing many-body interactions with double-quantum 2D spectroscopy
- Probing many-body correlations with multi-quantum 2D spectroscopy
- Frequency comb-based multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Introduction to frequency combs and dual-comb spectroscopy
- Frequency comb-based four-wave-mixing spectroscopy
- Frequency comb-based single-quantum 2D spectroscopy
- Frequency comb-based double-quantum 2D spectroscopy
- Tri-comb spectroscopy
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum wells
- Introduction to semiconductor optics
- Many-body signatures in one-quantum 2D spectra
- Many-body signatures in double- and multi-quantum 2D spectra
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy of coupled quantum wells
- Quantum well exciton-polaritons in microcavities
- Three-dimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Fifth-order 3D infrared spectroscopy
- Fifth-order 3D electronic spectroscopy
- Third-order 3D electronic spectroscopy
- Three-dimensional spectra of atomic vapors
- Three-dimensional spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum wells
- 3D coherent spectroscopy of light-harvesting centers
- 3D coherent frequency domain spectroscopy
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum dots
- Optical and electronic properties of quantum dots
- 2D coherent spectroscopy of GaAs quantum dots
- 2D spectroscopy of self-assembled In(Ga)As quantum dots
- Coherent control of quantum dots
- Coherent control within an ensemble of quantum dots
- Coherent control of interactions between individual quantum dots
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy of colloidal quantum dots
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy of atomically thin 2D materials
- Introduction to 2D materials
- Homogeneous linewidth in 2D materials
- Valley coherence and coupling in 2D materials
- Other applications of multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy in Physics
- Semiconducting carbon nanotubes
- Color centers in diamond
- Perovskite materials
- New trends in multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
- Broadening the spectral range: from terahertz to x-rays
- Improving the spatial resolution
- Multidimensional spectroscopy with quantum light
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Optical,Multidimensional,Coherent Spectroscopy,Hebin Li,Bachana Lomsadze,Galan Moody,Christopher Smallwood,Steven Cundiff