Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 10 1st edition by Robert Pasnau – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192699105 9780192699107
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192699105
ISBN-13 : 9780192699107
Author : Robert Pasnau
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy showcases the best scholarly research in this flourishing field. The series covers all aspects of medieval philosophy, including the Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew traditions, and runs from the end of antiquity into the Renaissance. It publishes new work by leading scholars in the field, and combines historical scholarship with philosophical acuteness. The papers will address a wide range of topics, from political philosophy to ethics, and logic to metaphysics. OSMP is an essential resource for anyone working in the area.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 10 1st Table of contents:
1. Medieval Humility Topoi as Rhetorical Trope
2. Humility as Contemplative Virtue
3. Re-reading Medieval Women’s Use of Humility Formulae
4. Conclusion
Al-Fārābī’s Commentary on the Eighth Book of Aristotle’s Topics in Ṭodros Ṭodrosi’s Philosophical Anthology (Introduction, Edition of the Text, and Annotated Translation)
1. Introduction to the Text
2. Edition of the Text
3. Annotated Translation
Aquinas, Analogy and the Trinity
1. Introduction
2. The Analogy of Unity
3. Analogy in the Trinity Claims
4. Conclusion
Super-Causes, Super-Grounds, and the Flow of Powers: Three Medieval Views on Natural Kinds and Kind-Specific Powers
1. Introduction
2. Thomas Aquinas on the Relation between the Essence of the Soul and Its Powers
3. Duns Scotus’s Objection
4. Thomas of Sutton on the Soul’s Grounding of Its Powers
5. Concluding Remarks: From Super-Causes to Super-Grounds
Three Medieval Aristotelians on Numerical Identity and Time
1. Introduction
2. Aristotle
3. Indiscernibility of Identicals
4. Rejecting the Indiscernibility of Identicals
5. Further Considerations
6. Conclusion
Multiple Generality in Scholastic Logic
0. Normal Aristotelian Forms
1. Plural and Singular Genitives
2. Multiple Quantification
3. What Does All This Tell Us About Buridan’s Logic?
A Review of David Piché, Épistémologie et psychologie de la foi dans la pensée scolastique (1250–1350)
1. The Core Features of the Book
2. Outline of the Book
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion
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