Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry) 2nd Edition by Danuta Wasserman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192573721 9780192573728
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192573721
ISBN-13 : 9780192573728
Author : Danuta Wasserman
Approximately 1 million people commit suicide world-wide annually and around 10 million attempt suicide each year. Suicide is a major public health problem throughout the world, and major efforts are currently being made to help reduce these numbers. However, suicide is the result of complex interactions between a range of factors, including historical, psychological, cultural, biological, and social, and any approach to treating the problem of suicide has to consider all these factors. This new edition of the Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention has been thoroughly updated and expanded since publication of the first edition in 2009. This comprehensive resource covers all aspects of suicidal behaviour and suicide prevention from a number of different perspectives, including its underlying religious and cultural factors; its political, social and economic causes; its psychiatric and somatic determinants; and its public health impacts. The new edition includes several new clinically focussed chapters devoted to major psychiatric disorders and their relation to suicide, including mood and anxiety disorders, substance abuse, psychosis/schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and personality disorders. It also includes a fully updated section on psychometric scales used for measuring suicidal behaviour and instruments used in suicide preventative interventions. Part of the authoritative Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry series, this second edition will continue to serve as the key reference source for both researchers and professionals working in the areas of suicidology and suicide prevention, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, public health specialists, and neuroscientists.
Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry) 2nd Table of contents:
Section 1 Religion and Suicide
1. Religion, more than just protective
2. The role of religion in suicide prevention
3. Confucianism, Taoism, and suicide
4. Hindu religion and suicide in India
5. A Buddhist perspective on suicide
6. The Shinto religion and suicide in Japan
7. Suicide in the Jewish scriptures
8. Suicide and Islam
9. Christianity and suicide
10. The role of religion in suicide prevention work in Uganda
11. Maya religion and traditions: influencing suicide prevention in contemporary Yucatán, Mexico
Section 2 The Magnitude and Implication of Suicide and Attempted Suicide
12. Development of definitions of suicidal behaviours: from suicidal thoughts to completed suicides
13. A global perspective on suicides and suicide attempts
14. Suicide attempts with a focus on Europe
15. International perspectives on non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)
16. Extended suicide
17. Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in the Netherlands and Oregon: a medical and psychological perspective
18. Legislation and ethics of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in psychiatric patients: evidence from Benelux
Section 3 Theories of Suicidal Behavior
19. Social theories of suicide
20. Psychoanalytic theories of suicide: historical overview, empirical evidence, and clinical applications
21. Psychological theories of suicidal behaviour
22. Biological theories of suicidal behaviour
23. Neurobiology and the genetics of suicide
Section 4 Political, Social, and Economic Determinants of Suicide
24. Suicide during transition in the former Soviet Republics
25. Suicide during war and genocides
26. Suicide in military settings
27. Suicide in prisons and remand centres: risk factors and prevention
28. Suicide among migrants
29. Suicide and attempted suicide among indigenous people
30. Labour market, work environment, and suicide
Section 5 Psychiatric Determinants of Suicide
31. Mood and anxiety disorders in suicide and suicide attempters
32. Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk for suicide in combat veterans
33. Alcohol, other psychoactive substance use disorders, and suicide
34. Suicide among people with psychosis in schizophrenia spectrum: epidemiology and prevention
35. Suicidal behaviour and bipolar disorder: risk and resilience factors
36. Suicidal behaviour and nonsuicidal self-injury among patients with eating disorders
37. Adjustment disorder and suicide in adult and youth population
38. Risk for suicidal behaviour in personality disorders
Section 6 Somatic and Gender Determinants of Suicide
39. Somatic diseases and suicidal behaviour
40. Women and suicidal behaviour: new directions in theory, research, and prevention
41. Suicide in men: suicide prevention for the male person
42. Sexual and gender minority populations and suicidal behaviours
Section 7 Suicide Risk Assessment
43. Cognitive biases in suicide risk assessment
44. Scales for the evaluation of suicide risk
45. The role of the clinical interview in suicide risk assessment
46. Recognizing a suicide crisis in psychiatric patients
47. Biological predictors of suicidal behaviour in mood disorders
48. Neuroimaging of suicidal behaviour: a decade of progress
Section 8 Cost of Suicide and Prevention Strategies
49. An economic perspective on suicide across the five continents
50. Strategies in suicide prevention
Section 9 Healthcare Strategies
51. Early detection of risk-taking, self-harming, and suicidal behaviour
52. Early detection and management of suicidal patients in primary care
53. Crisis hotlines
54. Pharmacological and other biological treatments of suicidal individuals
55. Countertransference in the treatment of suicidal patients
56. The psychological and behavioural treatment of suicidal behaviour: what are the common elements of treatments that work?
57. Dialectical behaviour therapy for suicidal individuals: the international perspective
58. Cognitive and other therapies for suicidal individuals
59. Online treatment programmes for suicidal persons: current evidence and future directions
60. Treatment of suicide attempts and suicidal patients in psychiatric care
61. Prevention of suicide following psychiatric hospitalization
62. Family psychoeducation after a suicide attempt
63. Art in suicide treatment and prevention
Section 10 Survivors of Suicide Loss
64. Suicide loss: characteristics and support for people bereaved by suicide
65. Clinicians after the suicide of their patients
Section 11 Young People and Suicide
66. Psychopathology and risk factors for suicide in the young
67. Psychiatric disorders in youth suicide and suicide attempters
68. The link between physical disorders and suicidality in children and adolescents
69. Effective treatments for suicidal youth: psychosocial and pharmacological approaches
70. Individual therapy techniques with suicidal adolescents
Section 12 Elderly People and Suicide
71. Suicidal older people in clinical and community settings: risk factors, treatment, and suicide prevention
Section 13 Public Health Strategies
72. Suicide prevention by education and the moulding of attitudes
73. Universal suicide prevention in schools
74. Multilevel approaches in adult suicide prevention
75. The role of mass media in suicide prevention
76. The role of the internet in suicide prevention from the public health perspective
77. Representations of suicide in cinema
78. The role of restricting access to potentially lethal medication in suicide prevention
79. Restrictions of access to pesticides in suicide prevention
80. Gun availability and gun control in suicide prevention
81. Prevention of metropolitan and railway suicide
82. Protecting bridges in suicide prevention
83. Prevention of suicide by jumping: experiences from Taipei City (Taiwan), Hong Kong, and Singapore
84. Prevention of suicide due to charcoal burning
85. Restriction of alcohol consumption in suicide prevention
Section 14 Worldwide Networking in Suicide
86. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) role in suicide prevention
87. The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section of Suicidology
88. The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) Section of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention
89. The Suicide Prevention of Network of the European College Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)
90. The International Academy of Suicide Research (IASR)
91. The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
92. The American Association of Suicidology (AAS)
93. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
94. Suicide Prevention International (SPI)
95. The role of volunteer organizations in suicide prevention
Section 15 Suicide Prevention and COVID-19 Pandemic
96. Evidence-based suicide prevention strategies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
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Oxford Textbook,Suicidology,Suicide Prevention,Oxford Textbooks,Psychiatry,Danuta Wasserman