Painscapes: Communicating Pain 1st edition by EJ Gonzalez Polledo – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:134995781X, 9781349957811
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:134995781X
• ISBN 13:9781349957811
• Author: EJ Gonzalez Polledo
Brings together interdisciplinary contributions from the social sciences, humanities visual and performing arts
Posits that pain is not just a sensation inside the body or limited to one individual but is an experience that is expressed and emergent via different frameworks and devices of communication
Examines how chronic pain is expressed and communicated
Painscapes: Communicating Pain 1st Table of contents:
List of Figures
1: Painscapes
Pain and/as Communication
2: â#x80;#x98;The Sad Language of  Painâ#x80;#x99;: S. Weir Mitchell, the  American Civil War, and  Interpreting Physical Suffering
3: An Essay on the  Space Outside Pain Where the  Poem Takes Place
In the  Beginning â#x80;Œ The Pain That Gave Birth to Words
Pain, Memory and  Empathy
Transforming Pain Through Writing
Pain and  Intentionality
Poetry and  Intention
Metaphors of  Pain
Passage from  Pain to the  Political
4: Act Like It Hurts: Questions of  Role and  Authenticity in the  Communication of  Chronic Pain Playing Doctors and  Patients
Acute Stories in a Chronic World
Performance and  Medicine
The Imaginary Invalid
The â#x80;#x98;Realâ#x80;#x99; Actor
Performing Both Patient and  Doctor
Authentically Empathetic?
5: Articulating Pain: Writing the  Autoimmune Self
Alarm Bells: Acute Pain
Alarm Bells: Chronic Pain
Time Is Out of  Joint
6: Exhibiting Pain, Death and  Grief: From the  Art Gallery to the  Image Shared Online Pain, Death and  Grief Photographed: The Detached Versus the  Self-referential Approach
Sharing Grief Projects Online
7: Pain and  the  Internet: Transforming the  Experience?
Finding Information
Feeling Supported
Maintaining Relationships
Experiencing Health Services
Learning to Tell the  Story
Visualising Illness
Changing Health Behaviours
Discussion 8: Photography and  Mental Illness: Feeding or Combating the  Stigma of  Invisible Pain Online and  Offline Introduction
Previous Research
Ethical Questions
Theoretical Frameworks
Photography and  Illness
Mental Health Images
The Beginning: Medical Images
Photojournalism: Critical Images
Blogs, Social Networks and  Common Users
10: Face2face: Sharing the  Photograph Within Medical Pain Encountersâ#x80;#x94;A Means of  Democratisation
The Challenge of  Pain to Communication Redefining Chronic Pain Use of  Photographic Images as a Tool for Eliciting Pain Narratives
Reasons for Investigating Images as an Alternative Language with  Which to Communicate or Share Pain Experience
Limitations of  Current Medical Measures and  Need for An Alternative Measure for Evaluating Pain
Impact of  Inadequate Means of  Expressing or Measuring Pain
Face2face 2008â#x80;#x93;2013
Overview of  the  Face2face Photographic Project, 2008â#x80;#x93;2013
Face2face: Research Questions
Aims and  Methodology
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Communicating Pain,Painscapes,EJ Gonzalez Polledo