Pediatrics Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780323498258,9780323527866,9780323527873,0323498256,0323527868,0323527876
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0323527868
- ISBN-13: 9780323527866
- Author: Adler Salazar; Randall Y. Chan; Michelle Pietzak
Pediatrics Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls is a case-based reference that covers the key material included on the USMLE Step 2 and Step 3, as well as the pediatric clerkship. Focusing on the practical information you need to know, it teaches how to analyze a clinical vignette in the style of a morning report conference, sharpening your clinical decision-making skills and helping you formulate an evidence-based approach to realistic patient scenarios.
Table contents:
Case 1. 20-Month-Old With a Limp
Case 2. 9-Year-Old Male With Jaw Pain
Case 3. 15-Year-Old Female With Pain and Neck Stiffness
Case 4. 11-Year-Old Male With New-Onset Chest Pain and Palpitations
Case 5. A Newborn Presenting With Profound Cyanosis
Case 6. 4-Month-Old Male With Multiple Fractures
Case 7. 13-Month-Old With Persistent Fever
Case 8. 24-Month-Old Male With Loss of Speech
Case 9. 2-Year-Old Male With Pallor, Decreased Urine Output, and Edema
Case 10. 29-Weeks’-Gestation Fetus With Worsening Anemia
Case 11. 4-Year-Old Male With Abdominal Pain
Case 12. 12-Month-Old Female With Picky Eating
Case 13. 8-Day-Old Male Infant Presenting for Weight Follow-Up
Case 14. A Newborn With Hydrops Fetalis
Case 15. 9-Year-Old Female With Joint Pain and Swelling
Case 16. 11-Year-Old Male With Bruising
Case 17. 3-Year-Old Female With Cough and Purulent Sputum Production
Case 18. 4-Year-Old With Fever and a Rash
Case 19. 2-Week-Old Female Infant With Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Poor Feeding
Case 20. A 3-Year-Old Female With Nausea, Vomiting, and Progressive Abdominal Pain
Case 21. An 8-Year-Old Child With Snoring and Behavioral Difficulty in School
Case 22. A 3-Year-Old Male With Lower Extremity Edema, Abdominal Distention, and Discomfort
Case 23. A 10-Year-Old Female With Recurrent Dysuria, Urinary Incontinence, and Increased Urinary Frequency
Case 24. An 8-Month-Old Male With Chronic Intermittent Cough
Case 25. 5-Year-Old Kindergartener Who Failed a School Vision Screen
Case 26. 12-Month-Old Male With a White Pupillary Reflex
Case 27. 13-Year-Old Male With Hematemesis
Case 28. 19-Year-Old Female With Chronic Diarrhea
Case 29. 16-Month-Old Female With Foul-Smelling Diarrhea
Case 30. 3-Week-Old Male With Resected Bowel
Case 31. 3-Year-Old Female With Buccal Swelling
Case 32. Newborn With Hypoglycemia
Case 33. 4-Day-Old Male Infant With Yellow Skin Color
Case 34. 16-Year-Old Female With Nausea, Emesis, Icterus, and Abdominal Pain
Case 35. 18-Month-Old Male With Vomiting and Altered Mental Status
Case 36. 16-Month-Old Female With Refusal to Walk
Case 37. 16-Year-Old Female With Cola-Colored Urine
Case 38. 15-Month-Old Male With Renal Calculi
Case 39. 17-Year-Old Female With Fatigue and Yellow Eyes
Case 40. 18-Month-Old Female With Acute-Onset Refusal to Walk
Case 41. 6-Year-Old Male With Cough and Fever
Case 42. 10-Year-Old Male With Dysphagia
Case 43. 10-Year-Old Male With Fast Breathing
Case 44. 12-Month-Old Male With Stridor
Case 45. 16-Year-Old Female With Right Knee Pain
Case 46. 6-Week-Old Female Infant With Persistent Jaundice
Case 47. 20-Month-Old Female With Fever and Convulsions
Case 48. 7-Week-Old Male Infant With Apnea
Case 49. 3-Year-Old Male With Worsening Rash for 5 Days
Case 50. 16-Year-Old Female With Down Syndrome With Abdominal Pain and Epistaxis
Case 51. 15-Month-Old Female With Left Arm Pain
Case 52. 4-Month-Old Male Infant With Fever and Difficulty Breathing
Case 53. 7-Year-Old Female With Right-Sided Headache, Ear Pain, and Eye Deviation
Case 54. 20-Day-Old Premature Male Infant Who Develops Feeding Intolerance
Case 55. After Delivery, a Full-Term Newborn Is Lethargic, With Poor Respiratory Effort
Case 56. 4-Year-Old Male Has Right-Side Facial Weakness
Case 57. 12-Year-Old Female With Rash and Joint Pain
Case 58. 11-Year-Old Female With New-Onset Difficulty in Swallowing and Speaking
Case 59. Newborn With Respiratory Distress
Case 60. 3-Hour-Old, 31-Week Premature Infant Male With Tachypne
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