Perceptions of the Independence of Judges in Europe Congruence of Society and Judiciary 1st Edition by Frans Van Dijk – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 9783030631437
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Product details:
ISBN-13 : 9783030631437
Author : Frans Van Dijk
Frans van Dijk is Professor of Empirical Analysis of Legal Systems at the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. His current research concerns the independence and accountability of the judiciary, errors in judicial decision making, and the role of the judiciary in the economy. He has co-ordinated surveys for the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary.
Perceptions of the Independence of Judges in Europe Congruence of Society and Judiciary 1st Table of contents:
Judicial Independence and Perceptions of Judicial Independence
Perceptions of Judicial Independence in European Countries
Perceptions of Lay Judges About Independence of the Judiciary
Respect for Judicial Independence
Independence and Trust
Judiciary in Democracy: Alignment and Disconnect
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