Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197645444,0197645445,9780197645451, 0197645453
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0197645453
- ISBN-13 : 9780197645451
- Author: Jason Noel; Luana Colloca; Patricia D. Franklin; Chamindi Seneviratne
Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research is an Open Access book integrating current knowledge on placebo research in healthcare to develop comprehensive and adequate strategies for better symptom management and treatment responses. This edited collection features the work of experts in placebo studies, including women, people of color, and international scholars, helping to diversify the existing scholarship in the field. It presents the latest research findings while also considers theoretical aspects of placebo. Together, the chapters in this volume help bridge the gulf between research and ideas in placebo studies and their day-to-day application in clinical practice in order to improve healthcare and health outcomes.
Table contents:
1 Placebo effects: An introduction
2 Placebos and their predictability
3 Placebos and nocebos across conditions
4 Placebos and nocebos in mental illnesses
5 Putting placebos into practice
6 Current and future directions: Digital health and health equity
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